How you make them blush

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-there's not very much of a chance that your going to make Kakashi blush but it's possible and you'v managed it before
-one thing that tends to fluster him is when you catch him off gaurd being bold in a situation he wouldn't think you would be so confident in
-one time he was trying to embarrass you infront of Naruto and the other kids by getting really close to your face
-Kakashi wouldn't have kissed you but you shocked him by making the move his face turned pink at first
-Naruto got grossed out sasuke scoffed and Sakura day dreamed
-another way you'v made kakashi blush before is by being so innocently oblivious that it's funny


-Gaara blushes when ever show physical affection
-like if you hug him out of no where or peck his cheek
-he doesn't understand why his face turns red sometimes when you hug him
-one time he thought he might be sick so he suggested you don't hug him
-you just giggled and shook your head
-another way you'v gotten him to blush is to blurt "I love you" with out warning
-it tends to catch him off guard


-sasuke don't really blush too much
-he blushed a couple times when you'v complimented him
-other wise he's pretty level headed


-Kiba blushes a bunch when ever your acting cute or what not
-any sudden affection flusters him
-kiba can be a bit Tsundere at times

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