How he wakes you up

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-Kakashi often wakes up before you
-most days you don't have to wake up too early so Kakashi doesn't wake you up immediately
-tho when he does have to wake you he's awfully lovey dovey about it
-he peppers your face in kisses until you wake up and then stays in bed for a few more minutes before getting ready for the day
-on some day's special acations or if he just feels like it he'll make breakfast


-gaara doesn't sleep and misses your company a lot of the time
-he has to restrain him self from waking you up in the middle of the night
-tho he most mornings wakes you rather early
-not terribly early but he doesn't let you sleep in ether
-to wake you he lightly shakes your shoulder
-once you show signs of waking up he lets you wake on your own accord


-most mornings you wake up before sasuke
-tho on rare acations when he wakes up first he lets you sleep in
-he enjoys the morning silence when your asleep beside him
-he never really wakes you because you only sleep in if you need the sleep
-so he lets you wake up on your own
-tho if he gets bored he'll play with your hair


-you most mornings wake up before Kiba
-but he likes it when he wakes up before you because then he can suprise you with breakfast
-he's not the greatest cook but he's trying to learn
-you'll often wake up to the smell of burnt toast
-you'v been trying to reach Kiba how not to burn the food

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