The Almost Truth

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Emily's POV

"Maybe your not pregnant," I said looking up at myself in the mirror, I sighed then left the bathroom. I hadn't slept in two nights, I hadn't eaten in twenty four hours and I hadn't spoken to Jack since I last spoke to Finn.

My phone was switched off and mum was in Dubai for a conference. I was alone.

I don't deserve you Em

Finn's words echoed around my mind. I was so in love with him. Maybe it was the hormones but I felt deeper in love with Finn than I ever was with Jack.

You're an awful human being

"I KNOW!" I shouted out loud at my subconscious, I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed. Sure I had other friends but my best friend was in America. Jesus I missed her. I pulled myself to the home phone and dialled a number I hadn't dialled in about a month.

"Hello," a voice answered,

"Caught the accent already?" I laughed,

"Em!" she practically screamed down the phone, Sam had been in and out of exams and tests for her university so I didn't talk to her so she could study. But this was an exception.

"Hey bean," I smiled even though she couldn't see it,

"Jesus Christ Em! How are you! God it feels like years since I've spoken to you. Baby I miss you so much," she gushed down the phone and that's all I needed. I broke. I broke down. I rolled over onto my bed and cried down the phone to my best friend who I hadn't seen in months,

"Emily? Are you ok?" she asked concerned,

"No Sam, I'm not," I sobbed,

"Ok hun, tell me everything," she said and I immediately felt calm,

"Don't you have exams?"

"They can wait," she whispered. So I told her. I told her everything. About Jack and Finn, About New Year, the park and the pregnancy test.

"Your in a bit of a pickle aren't you Em," she said with a light chuckle,

"What do I do?" I said wiping the tears away from my face,

"Well first things first, go to the doctor. They will take a blood test," I squirmed and she stopped, "I know hun but it's the quickest way to know,"

"You know me so well," I laughed,

"You need to find out if your really preggers. Then if you are you need to think who the father could be,"

"That's hard," I whispered,

"Slag," I could hear she was joking but the word still made a wound, she was right,

"You need to talk to Finn, if you really feel that strongly about him then talk to him. The two of you can think of a way to tell Jack together."

"It will kill him Sam," I whispered,

"I know baby but you have to tell the truth otherwise the longer it goes on, the worse the pain is going to be,"

"Your right," I sighed, she was.

"I have to go but listen bean, you call whenever you want. I'm slightly pissed you haven't called before now. New York is great but it doesn't have you. I miss you,"

"I miss you too," and suddenly I knew she was leaving and the tears began to come back,

"Bye," she said before hanging up and I was alone again.

"Stop crying you twat," I snapped at myself before standing and sorting myself out.

Finn's POV

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