One Smile

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  • Dedicated to To all those Cheeky fans out there <3

Emily's POV

Just breathe, everything will be okay.

No matter how many times I told myself that, I still felt nervous. I was walking up the steps of Bristol University towards the front desk and my hands were shaking.

Chill out Em, your not even attending, your just looking. Why are you so nervous?

My mind was right, why was I so nervous?

Because this is where your future starts.

Oh yeah, that's why.

My whole life I planned on attending Bristol Uni, it was perfect, the course I wanted was TV Drama and Film and Bristol was clearly the best out of all of the other unis out there. I inhaled and walked up to a stressed out looking women with dark hair and glasses,

"Hi," I smiled, placing my hands on the desk, "I'm Emily Richards, I'm here for the tour thingy,"

The lady looked up at me over her glasses and sighed, "Oh yes, the tour thingy," she clearly wasn't one for jokes, "through the door and to the left," she said pointing past me,

"Thank you," I smiled before turning and walking through the doors and into a room of people, they all looked as nervous as me and suddenly I didn't feel as scared anymore. I turned to face a tall balding man approaching me,

"What's the name?" he smiled,

"Emily Richards,"

"Well," he said looking at his clipboard, "Your over there, please make yourself at home, the tour is an hour long,"

"Thanks," I smiled before walking towards my new group.

After introducing ourselves and waiting for what seemed like hours for our leader he turned up,

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," he smiled taking off his jacket and putting it on a chair, "I'm Jack," he shook our hands and as he took mine he looked at me, "and you are?"

"Emily," I flushed, shit.

"Nice to meet you," he winked then stepped back to address us all, "Well come on guys, lets do this."


After a hour long tour around the university we arrived back where we started,

"Well, I hope you liked that, sorry it took so long but I hope you consider Bristol," Jack smiled as the ten of us dispersed to different places. I pulled my coat on and made my way over to the coffee table,

"Oh this coffee is crap," a voice said behind me, I spun round and saw Jack standing behind me,

"Oh really?" I said raising an eyebrow and placing a hand on my hip,

"Yup, Neros is better, I'm heading over there now actually. Do you want to join me?" he asked as he slid his hands into his pockets, I looked at him narrowing my eyes. He was actually gorgeous, his light brown hair was all messy from the wind around campus and he had the most amazing green eyes. I'd seen his youtube videos obviously and it was clear from the reaction from some of our group that they did too,

"Umm?" he narrowed his eyes back at me, I snapped out of it and looked him in the eyes,

"Alright then," I smiled,

"Brilliant," he grinned, "Come on then Miss Richards," he said turning and holding his arm out for me, I laughed and wrapped my arm round his as we walked towards Neros.


I had never been attracted to someone the way I was attracted to Emily, her smile was contagious and her light brown hair fell just above her shoulders.

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