chapter 10; country for old men

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The heat of the afternoon was sweltering down on you. The air was growing clammier as you recognized the town you were pulling into was the familiar path through Rhodes. You'd turned a blank page of your journal into a fan, attempting to sweep the heat off your face with the swift motions of the thin paper.

"I wish I could tell you it will be better where we're heading but the truth of it is it's gon' get a whole lot worse." Hosea pulled the reigns of the horses, slowing them to a nice gait through town. The others following close on your tail.

"Ugh, don't tell me that." You whine, throwing your head back in the sun, closing your eyes tightly. He chuckles at you, keeping his eyes on the dirt path ahead of him.

"[Y/N], can I be frank wit' ya for a moment?" He looked at you, squinting his wrinkled aged eyes

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"[Y/N], can I be frank wit' ya for a moment?" He looked at you, squinting his wrinkled aged eyes.

The question took you by surprise and you sat yourself to attention, focusing in on the old man beside you. "Course Hosea, what's on your mind?"

"I know about you and Arthur." He said it plainly, as if it was common knowledge. Still, you were immediately anxious at what he was going to say next. Suddenly, his opinion mattered greatly to you. Perhaps it was because he was a leading man in this gang and could split you two apart if he so wanted to. You knew that was a ridiculous thought, he was far too kind. You consider to yourself that it's more likely he's simply taken that same father figure position in your life that he has served for Arthur.

"I'm an old man, [Y/N] and wiser than you think. You two think you're sneaky stealing touches when nobody is looking." He continued, the same dull tone in his voice. You were waiting for him to show his true emotion about the situation. "I want you to know, that you should feel comfortable coming forward with whatever it is you have with him." He flashed you a crooked smile and you relaxed a little.

"That boy is like a son to me. He's known a lot of pain in his years and it's time for him to have something good. Can you give him that?" He looks at you, patiently waiting for your response.

"I believe I can Hosea." You smile at him, feeling giddy that this man of utmost importance had given you his approval. "I see in him what you see. He puts up a hard exterior but inside there's something...good. I can't explain it."

"I hope I ain't jixin' it by saying this but... I believe you could be the one, [Y/N]." His smile grows brighter, sending a warm feeling to your heart. "I've never seen that bullheaded man smile as much as he has since you showed up! By lord, he turns into a nervous mess every time he's forced to leave your side!" He started up a hoarse laugh, his eyes sparkle, giving you a window into his many years of hard earned wisdom.

Both of you turn your eyes back to the road ahead, smirks still remaining on your faces and a sense of hope beaming in your hearts.

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