13. Might Have A Slight Concussion

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"Are you in love with him?"

Emma's eyes snapped open. Suddenly Lily's hands in her hair, weaving her chestnut strands into a braid, felt more like the claws of a predator, rather than the deft fingers of a fourteen-year-old girl.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't have to lie." She could almost hear the smirk on Lily's face. "It's quite obvious."

Emma swallowed the upcoming bile away. "You're not going to tell him, are you?"

"No," said Lily. But before Emma could sigh with relief, she added, "But I think you should."

"And make a fool out of myself?" Emma muttered. "You know he's in love with you." A sudden realisation made her heart stop. "You didn't turn him down because I like him, did you?"

"No. I turned him down because I don't like him that way."

"Oh," said Emma, feeling the sudden tension slowly leave her shoulders. "Good."

"But I do think he deserves to be happy. Don't you?"

"Of course I do!" Emma exclaimed indignantly.

"Then you should tell him how you feel."

Emma frowned, as she let Lily fiddle with the unfinished braid. "You're not making any sense."

"Severus just needs someone who loves him, even though he can be a right git sometimes."

Emma rolled her eyes. "He's your friend. You shouldn't be so rude about him."

"See? That's what I mean! You're in love with him despite his flaws. You should be with him, not me."

I'd be perfect for him, Emma knew. But... "It doesn't matter. He fancies you."

Lily sighed in exasperation. "Yes, but he doesn't know that you like him! He might feel different if he knew!"

"I'm not telling him, Lily."

"Well, then I will."

Emma's heart shot to her throat. She ripped the braid out of her friend's hand and turned around to face her. "No, you won't. Don't you dare."

Her shoulders sagged as she pouted. "But why not? You two would be so cute together!"

"Because I don't want to lose him, Lil!" She took her hand. "Promise me you won't tell him. Promise me, Lily."

Lily stared up at her, fire in her eyes. She was stubborn, but she was also loyal. If she made a promise, Emma knew she'd stick to it. "Fine," she muttered eventually. "I promise. But you need to tell him yourself then!"

Emma sighed, sitting back down. "I will. When he's over you, I'll tell him."


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