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Stephen couldn't help his jaw hanging open as he followed Loki inside the ship. The very fact he was in space – actual, literal, real-life outer space – was enough to amaze him, but also because he'd never really been in a real life spaceship before and it was awesome. (Thanos's ship didn't really count because he'd been too busy being kidnapped and arguing with Tony to really take it in.)

Stephen spun around to take everything in: the controls, the furniture (which there wasn't a lot of) the stairs going down below, the space tech of which he had no clue what any of it was and even the view from the front windshield (was it called a windshield on a spaceship?).

As he was looking around and taking photos on his phone, Loki went over to the captain's chair and started activating certain controls. It amazed Stephen how he knew what to do – those controls looked really complicated – but before even ten seconds had passed they were off the ground and flying away from wherever they'd just been.

Loki seemed satisfied and only then did he turn around and see the look of wonder on Stephen's face. He smirked slightly. "What do you think, Strange?"

"It's awesome," Stephen replied. Loki looked pleased with this response. He hung his backpack on the empty coat hooks and came to join Loki at the cockpit (assuming that's what it was called in space). "Nice ship."

Loki grinned. "Not bad to say I stole it."

Stephen looked at him. "What? You stole it?"

"From the Ravagers," Loki added. Stephen gave him a questioning look. "Space bandits and outlaws," Loki explained. "To be honest they didn't really care because it was a spare ship and when they caught me I told them I was looking for the Guardians of the Galaxy and they believed me. It's partly true I suppose."

Stephen nodded. He remembered meeting the Guardians on planet Titan. (It would be very much impossible to forget an encounter with them to be fair.) "So what is this place?"

"I told you, it's Knowhere," Loki said, flicking the switch marked Autopilot. Even Stephen could figure out what that meant.

"OK, but what is it? It doesn't look like a planet," Stephen pointed out. He pointed out the spaceship windshield above them, where there seemed to be a huge dome way above the ground, but also with a hole exiting straight into space. "What's going on up there?"

"You aren't going to throw up on my controls are you?" Loki checked. Stephen shook his head confusedly. "Knowhere is made out of the severed head of an ancient celestial being. Many civilisations over the millennia have settled here to mine for the rare materials typically only found in people's brains." He pointed up towards the hole Stephen had mentioned. "That's the empty eye socket."

Stephen thought that was disgusting. "These people are living in a carcass's severed head?"

Loki nodded. He looked quite disgusted himself. "That makes this a great place to be robbed, beaten up or murdered. Can you see why Odin liked to take me and Thor here for holidays?"

Stephen couldn't stop himself from saying, "Odin has issues."

Before he could apologise repeatedly for insulting Loki's dad like that, however, Loki burst out laughing and it seemed like he couldn't stop. "Oh Strange, thank you, I have never heard anything so true in my entire life!"

Stephen stared. "You... you aren't mad I just insulted your dad like that?"

"Of course not!" Loki said, still laughing his head off. Stephen was incredibly confused, but he was glad he wasn't being stabbed for it.

Stephen stood, confused, until Loki recovered his composure again and calmed down. "Sorry, Strange I haven't had a good laugh in ages," he apologised. "So, you want to know why you're here?"

Stephen nodded. "It must be important, for you to need me."

Loki gave him a totally-not-amused look, and Stephen backed down for fear of being stabbed. Loki could look really intimidating when he wanted to.

"Strange, this is rich coming from me, but quit the sarcasm," Loki said, and he looked serious. "This is not a laughing matter. In fact-" he held out his hand "-10 minute sarcasm break for the both of us. How does that sound?"

"Sounds like a plan." Stephen shook his hand. "Now tell me what's going on."

Somewhere on Knowhere: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now