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"OK, you absolutely, 100 billion percent certain you sure this is where you want to go?" Quill asked the god, his eyebrows approaching his hair by this point.

"It's the most likely place I imagine Loki would go in this situation," Thor insisted, tapping the table forcefully with every syllable. "I'm almost certain it's where we should go."

"OK, but I need absolutely, 100 billion percent certain before I dare fly my ship anywhere near there," Quill said.

This had been going on for a while, and Quill was almost regretting his rash promise to help Thor. Well, almost, because it gave them something to do.

Rocket was even less enthusiastic about helping out than Quill was, despite being much better friends with him. "I really don't understand why he'd go to the people that are trying to kill him, Thor."

Thor gestured around himself the place aimlessly. His mouth was open to speak, but he didn't seem to have any idea what to say. "Because... because... it's..." He let his hands fall down by his sides again. "Because it's just something my brother would do," he decided on. "He has a knack of turning up in the strangest places. Plus, if he's offended these people and he's working with the wizard for a reason, I believe it's something to do with that planet and they've gone back to do... I'm not sure what yet, but there really is no other place I can think of he would go."

Quill sighed and flopped back in his seat. Thor obviously knew Loki better than he did, so really he might as well trust him. It just seemed risky going back to the conceited douchebags that were trying to arrest and kill them...

Wait, surely he, Peter Quill aka Star Lord, wasn't saying something was too risky? That thought made up his mind for him.

"OK, let's go," he decided. Walking over to the cockpit, he put the destination into the GPS, and then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He tried his hardest not to jump, but he was still freaked out about how silent Thor could be when he snook up on you. "Thank you again, friend Quail. It truly means a lot."

"Don't mention it, man," Quill replied, kinda awkwardly.

Somewhere on Knowhere: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now