《Prolouge : Chasing Clouds》

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Salam people!

Ready for the start!???🤗

Here it is!

《Prolouge : Chasing Clouds!》


Bluish sky was hovering above him as he lay down on the green grass. The surrounding felt so amiable that he felt like he was breathing peace after so long.

He adored the nature with closed eyes inhaling the sweet fragrance of beautiful flowers surrounding him and hummed his favourite tune feeling pleasant.

It was half an hour later, he opened his eyes as he heard weird faint sounds near him. He looked here and there trying to find where's the source but couldn't find anything.

But next moment his eyes get narrowed as he witnessed an unusual scene up in the sky. He blinked his eyes again as he saw the clouds moving unusually. He stared at those white cotton balls as the fluffiest one seems to be chasing the other small ones in the sky.

Feeling amazed he sat back quickly, his eyes still glued towards up in the sky on chasing clouds which halted suddenly after a moment and next his eyes grew wide as the smaller ones now seemed to be chasing the big one together. He got more amused as he saw them moving in circle running behind other one. Confused he thought, what was even going on?

Whether the clouds are playing merry-go-round or chasing other ones? Most importantly whether he is hallucinating or it's all real! He blinked again thinking so.

Moments passed and the scene was same going on, for a moment he almost felt like he was being delusional comoletely but whatever it was; he was enjoying the show to the fullest now. As specially now, the small clouds were seen like standing on one another in front of the big cloud and were seemed like they were trying to intimate the fluffy one, who was swinging side by side in slow rhythm as if mocking them proudly.

Taking out his I-phone he decided to capture the scene but frowned as his phone didn't respond. He pressed the lock button again hoping for it to get started but it wasn't of any help. Everytime the screen got displayed next second it got blanked completely leaving him surprised.

Confused he threw his phone aside and looked up again but then he again witnessed another surprise. The clouds were moving in the direction opposite to the sun and their speed was the most surprising while the bouncing walk of theirs amused him most.

Unable to resist, he started running with them with his eyes glued on those clouds. Chasing them aimlessly he was led to a place which left him stunned.

His feet halted as eyes doubled again in surprise because of the beauty in front. His eyes were no longer staring at the sky but instead was lost in the beauty surrounding him.

There were beautiful colouring flowers and green trees surrounding him, shading the place from heat and strong light while on the left side of the place fall was cascading with Crystal clear water, pooling in the lake in centre. The cherry on top was the rainbow appearing like a crown on its heal.

Chirping of birds were like giving tunes to the song of waterfall. Their colors adding beauty to the nature as they dance around the rainbow on an unknown rythm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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