Chapter 3: Truth or Dare?

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Emma's POV:
"Ugh, how long will she take?" I asked as we walked out of Tara's so called 'dress paradise'. She looked at me in her very optimistic way. " How am I supposed to know?". I groaned. Help me someone cause I don't know what's gonna happen next! If I get dragged into another one of-.
"Quit daydreaming about random things!" Tara scolded. Your
"We have to find Summer or her brother is gonna kill us."
Suddenly the song from 'don't hug me I'm scared' came out of nowhere.
(What your favourite idea? Mines being creative!
How do you get the idea?
I just try to think CREATIVELY!)
God that song was annoying. Oh hang on. That's lie the most annoying song in the world.
"Really Tara?" I groaned as the annoying D.H.M.I.S ( don't hug me, I'm scared!) Lover answered her phone.
"Hello?" She says before wandering away to talk.
Ugh, great. Thanks a lot for abandoning me here Tara. Luckily for me, there was a bakery next to Zara, which sells my fav. Cinnamon rolls!!! :D
I quickly bought one along with a water bottle when Tara had finished her call.
"So?" I asked. "Who called? And what did they say?"
Tara grinned. " It was Summer. She said she already left for home. She also apologised for leaving without telling us. But hey I also called your mom."
I froze. "What... Why?" I sounded like a scared child when her parents were furious. Cause if she did something wrong, I'm going to get in trouble.
Tara looked as if she had won a lottery for like, a million dollars. " I asked your mom if she could let you sleep at my house until your parents come back from Hong Kong." Oh great. It was all because my brother wanted something to do in the summer holidays, so my parents decided that they would leave as soon as summer break arrives. Unfortunately, my parents weren't able to get me a ticket, so they struggled with who to stay with. And with Tara's charm, I don't think they would ever say no.
"Hurray. I wonder what fun we will have at your house." I say in a very sarcastic tone
"I know!! It's gonna be AWESOME!!" Tara says in exiet without noticing the tone in my voice.
I groaned. This is bad. My life is-
"Really Emma! You should now better! Especially in my LOBBY!"
"Not this game again! We haven't played this since 7th grade!" I protested. "Quiet!" Tara snaps. "We will go to my house NOW! Are we clear?" I sighed. "Yes ma'am."
"Good" she says looking satisfied. "Lets go!"
(15 minutes later)
"We're here!!" Tara says in a singsong voice. "Hurray, How delightful." I rolled my eyes as we stepped in her house. That's strange. "Where is everyone?" I asked Tara. "They went to Moscow and won't be back till June." She says still staring at her phone.
Ugh. This is going to be a long night.
(Time-8:39 Pm)
"What are we going to do now?" I ask.
"We could always-" "it's too early to go to bed." Tara interrupts. " I know!"
She grins
"Truth or dare?"

Hey guys! FYI this story is fictional but characters are real. Scarlet and Ashley are Random_Penguin and F_O_U_R .
Also thx to u people for following me and maybe I'll include you in a story.
Also shout outs to
& for_the_love_of_dogs
Love u and your stories. btw I love
And other random stuff
And sorry if this chapter is too short
Night! :D

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