Chapter 6: Let her go

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Ryder's POV:
I was walking home from my cousin, Caleb's house, when suddenly my phone rang. I slip my phone out of my pocket and check the caller ID. Tara❤️.
I answer the phone. "Hello?" No one answers but I hear someone singing. I rush home, slam the door behind me as I run into my room and lay on my bed. I put it to speaker and hear that the singer is non other than Tara.
Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders.
I should be wiser and realise that I've got one less problem with out you.
I've got one less problem without you.
I've got one less, one less...
I blush. Tara is singing a love song for me? Why? Probably a dare of some sort. I've got nothing to do on Saturday, so I could ask her out for a romantic dinner. I call Tara again. Her voice mail is up. I sigh and call Emma. Same thing. Those two probably had a sleepover or something. I call Summer. Miraculously, she picks up.
Hey! It's Ryder.
Ryder? What's up?
Where is Tara?
Tara? Who's she? All I know is a person called Ryder's future fiancée.
Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Ok I'm sorry! Truth is I think she's at her house.
Aren't you there with her? I thought you guys had a slumber party?
Emma and Tara had one bro. I had tutoring by beloved Ashton.
*Sigh* No wonder you picked up the phone.
What do you mean? I always pick up the phone!
True. Ok. Can we meet up at Starbucks?
Let's see... With Tara?
And Emma. If you like. I'll pay for your coffee.
Okay! See you at 2!

Then she just hangs up. Smooth. I sigh and get dressed.

(With Summer)
Summer's POV:
I get free coffee! Huzzah! All because of Ryder! I love that dude! But then again I love Carl more.
(Doorbell rings)
Who could that be? Ashton is out with his little gang and won't be back till dark. I go down stairs and open the door. I am greeted with a kiss. After the kiss is over, my head falls on to his shoulder. "Hey beautiful." He whispers. "Hey," I whisper back. We stay like this for a few minutes before we break apart. "What's up?" I ask, closing the door. Carl shrugs. "Nothin much." He gives me a sly smile. "But I heard your getting free coffee." I smile. "Obviously you can come." he smiles. "What time are you supposed to go?" I stop dead and look at the clock. "I have 20 minutes to get there!" Carl whipped out his phone and typed something. Then he slipped it back in his pocket. "Hey you go change while I get something to eat before we go," With that he left to the kitchen. I shake my head, smiling and head for my room.
(5 minutes later)
"Ready!" I yell from upstairs."Aw, already? Carl groaned. "I just got to the cookies!" I laugh. "So, you driving?" I ask as we head toward his car.
Carl rolls his eyes. "Obviously!" He says as we clim in the car with me in the passenger seat and Carl driving. The whole trip was Totally quiet, unless you count me and Carl arguing about which music to choose and what Mario character is better. So the time whizzed by pretty fast. When we were getting out of the car, I got a text message. I suspected it was either from Tara, scolding me for coming late or Ashton, telling me that he was sleeping at his friends house. And by friend I mean girlfriend. Surprisingly the text was from-
"Hey Summer!Hey Carl" A voice cried out, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around and see Tara and Emma scurrying towards us with Ryder, Luke and Jordan their heels. "Hey!" We replied back and headed toward Starbucks, laughing and chatting. While we were waiting for the coffee, I revived a call from Scarlet. I answer the phone.
Summer! Thank goodness!
Ashley is kidnapped!
O.O Ok
You idiot! Come and help me!
Don't worry! Sheesh. We're coming!
I hang up the phone after that. I go inside and tell everyone the news. Everyone shocked and say we should go there immediately. I whine that we can't leave without the coffee, so Ryder just sighs and grabs a bag filled with coffee and we dash into Carl's car.

(15 minutes later)
We arrived at the house and I see Scarlet at the door. "Scarlet! What happened?" Luke asks. He was kinda yelling, but that isn't important at the moment! Scarlet looks scared. I mean, I have never seen her this scared before. "I was walking past Ashley's house when I heard a scream from inside. At first, I thought of it as a prank, but when Ashley didn't open the door, I was terrified," she explains, still with that terrified look in her eyes. "Shit!" Luke murmurs as he, Carl and Jordan try to break down the door. I just watch from a safer, but further distance. Hmmm, it should have been a while now since that happened. And if Scarlet was kidnapped, the kidnapper would have known Scarlet was at the door. So he obviously looked for another way to escape. And that other way would be through the back door!
I signal Tara and Emma to follow me. We walk towards the back of the house and see the back door wide open. We shared the same expression. It was too late.

Luke's POV:
I just had to find her, I just had to. "Give it up bro," Jordan calls out to me. "The door isn't going to magically open any-" As soon as he said that, the door just opened on its own. Everyone just stared at the door. "Wow," Jordan says as he gets up. "Never saw that coming." Well for sure it wasn't magic, but Summer,Tara and Emma. Scarlet looks astonished. "How did you-"
"It's called common sense." Summer says calmly. "Um, explanation?" Carl asks his girlfriend. Summer shrugs. "Well since the kidnapper or kidnappers knew that Scarlet was here-"
"-They would obviously look for another way out." Tara says, picking up where Summer left off.
"And that other way would obviously be the back door." Emma finishes. We all look at each other. Smart. "Then, where is Ashley?" I ask looking at the smarties. Tara and Emma turn away. Summer hangs her head in shame and is silent, which only means one thing. She's gone. I hear Ryder whisper, "Maybe, it's time to let her go..."



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