Chapter-3Namjin/My Cindrella.

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Let's continue from the previous part.

Namjin/My Cindrella.

He reached there.

Namjoon calls for the old man.

Grandpa! Grandpa were are you.

Old man -am here dear I am here

Old man - Oh you came

Old man - All the sheeps are here

Old man - Well I have to go now ok

Old Man - you take care of them

Old man - or else your grandma will scold me 😅

Namjoon - Ok , ok grandpa

Namjoon - And also tell Grandma that I said love you

Old man - Ok dear I will.

Old Man - Bye dear.

And then he left

Old Man - He is such a lovely boy. Even if he is not my own Grandchild still I love him as one.

Old Man - I hope that God will give him al the love he deserves

Old Man - I wish he would find someone who would love him and take care of him.

The old Man prayed on his way back to his home.

Namjoon was sitting and watching the sheeps grazing.

But suddenly he feels someone's hands In his eyes covering it.

The voice asked

Anonymous - Guess who am I?

But Namjoon quickly figures it out who the voice belongs to. And who that person is.

It was no one other than his best friend

who was an novelist

And his name was Jung Hoseok.

He was such an kind and caring person.

And Namjoon feels like he is the luckiest person on the earth to have an wonderful friend like him.

Because it would be a dream to have an friend like Hoseok.

Who is from higher class. For such an servent like him

Namjoon always trys to be formal with him. But Hoseok always tells him that don't do that we are friends.

He truly was the luckiest person.

Namjoon - Well... let me guess.

Namjoon - It always you Hoseok 🤭

Hoseok - Ughhh.

𝑀𝑦 𝐶𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎.(𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑗𝑖𝑛) [Part-1] [Book-1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora