Patient 2

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A young woman, age: 19She went to get a surgery for her headJust like the other patient, she was taken apart and put back together

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A young woman, age: 19
She went to get a surgery for her head
Just like the other patient, she was taken apart and put back together

The Doctor decided to insert the endo in her back so it wasn't as noticeable
He chopped off her head since she tried to bite him multiple times

He also chopped off her arm
She doesn't know how she is alive
She can no longer see or even taste due to her head being chopped off, yet she can still somehow hear-

She can't do anything anymore
She is a wandering corpse
Her soul still trapped in her dismembered body

She constantly wishes for the day she is set free
She was however not injected with the substance like Patient 1 was

she wasn't injected at all.

The Doctor calls her a failure.

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