Patient 5

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Patient 5 otherwise known as "The Stone" patient

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Patient 5 otherwise known as "The Stone" patient

Obviously because their turning into stone slowly

The Doctor did this to them by injecting them with a chemical that turns people into stone. These chemicals the Doctor keeps using are actually hand made by him

Though before he injected them. He inserted the endo, like he did with the rest

The chemical spread quickly, once the stone hardened on the exterior of their skin
He started to pull on it, just for the blood and screams. And to see how it affected the interior of the person

The Doctor described:
"Still a liquid, but also a solid"
"When I tried to touch it, they screamed and screamed. Begging me to stop."
"Good. It's part of them now" :)

He then tried to tear more open, he saw it is in fact part of their human body now
He smiled
He is proud of his creations

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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