The Competition

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I'm finally at the competition and ready to sing. I have travelled with a plain to Doncaster and I'm going to compete on my own for the first time. I have been training with the world champion last year Louis Tomlinson. It's a competition where you play with your voice.

You have to sing a song, but make it your own and play with it go out of you comfort sone and a lot more stuff. It's complicated. But this year have been training with a trainer from our crew.

Well the day was here and I entered the theater, I walked over to the front desk and said the name of the crew "eh.... White Eskimos, Harry Styles". "Ah....Yeah mr. Styles, we have a little problem with the dressing room order. All the dressing rooms are full, but one have agreed to share with you since he was just one himself. Louis Tomlinson I belive you know him?" The lady behind the desk said and looked up from here papers.

She wants me to share with Louis, I mean we have worked together....and I mean I have always had a crush on him. I mean he is extreamly hot, charming, lovely, funny and just wow.

"I'm okey with that" was all I could see, she smiled and looked down at here paiper "Okeeey then you get dressing room number 5" She looked up at me and smiled, I nodded and walked away from the desk.

I walked down the hallway and found dressing room number 5. I opened the door and stepped inside, but inside there was no Louis. His stuff was there, and I felt a warm feeling inside of me. Just thinking of him gives me goosebumps.

I have never had a proper conversation with him like we are best mates or anything, but I have always wanted to be....he is like the world champion and so hot and nice and yeah. Maybe today will change, maybe we can get to know each other better.

I smiled to my self and put down my bag, I opened it and pulled out my outfit for later. A white shirt, a pair of black suit trousers and a pair of brown shoes. Every dressing room is store with a irons and a ironing board, so why not just get to it.

I walked over to the boared lifted it up and carried it to the middle of the little room. The room had one figure mirror and a bathroom, two black sofaes and a table between them. And offcourse a desk with a little mirror and some water bottles where on it, and what I assumed must be Louis' toilet bag with his make up and hair gel and what ever.

I put the ironing boared down, opened it and lifted it up so it would be in my height. I grabbed the irons on the desk with the mirror and plugged it close to the ironing boared and placed it on it.

I grabbed the little mug with some water in it and put some of it in the irons. While I was waiting I walked over to the sofa and sat down.

I lay down and rested my head against the pillow in the sofa, it was quite a long time until I was going on stage so...and the irons will start beeping when it's ready so I just need to relax a bit.

I fall asleep quite quick, I'm so tired from the traviling.


I heared a loud BEEEEEP! I opened my eyes and remebered where I was, I sat up from the sofa an rubbed my eyes a little before I stood up and walked over to the irons. I turned the beep of and grabbed my shirt.

I placed it on the ironing boared and got started. When I finaly was done with my shirt and trouseres I put the irons on the floor at the bathroom and put the ironing boared away.

I walked over to my shirt and looked at it to check if it was perfect. Then a door slammed "Oops" I said, why did I say that, "Hi" Louis said and closed the door behind him.

"So how are you?" He asked and smiled at me "I'm good thanks and you" I asked, "Good...good" he answered. He walked over to his stuff and took his shirt out and hanged it up next to his trousers.

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