Chapter 1

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    I spent hours planning, filming and editing my latest video and I swear if this flops like all my other recent videos I might just quit. I watch it one last time, double checking for spelling errors and I quickly push the post button.

     Once I've seen that it's completely posted I close the app shut my phone off, lay it face down next to me and stare at the ceiling. I should pick up an actual book, it's the 15th of the month and I haven't read a single book. Have I read three 200K word fanfictions? Yes. Have I at least read a published graphic novel? Nope.

      I have several physical ARC's that I'm supposed to read and some that I got approved for a netgalley plus the re-read of Criers War that I'm supposed to do for my book club this month, and I have done none of it. I'm blaming The Darkling for this inconvenience

     I turn my phone back on deciding to check Instagram and not Tiktok, unfortunately for me when I check the comments of my newest video, that I posted on there yesterday, it's full of weird ass comments

User iliketocookmilk: This is unreasonably mean to people who like the incest trope

User heya_danny: Straight hate? Damn, I thought y'all were supposed to be the tolerant and accepting ones, lol.

User ratsleftarm: The childhood friends to lovers trope is basically incest

     Maybe I should delete Instagram.

     Once I close the app I click on TikTok to scroll and definitely not check the numbers on my recent obsessively. I scroll for a total of three minutes before they pop up on my screen. They being @crieswar, I cannot stand them for several reasons, none of which are valid. Honestly, I've just made a video about how much I hate petty enemies to lovers and here I am hating on Crier for petty reasons. However telling myself that isn't a fair comparison because Crier and I are not enemies and will most definitely never be lovers.

      The way they speak just irritates me, and don't get me started on the amount of times they post in a single day. Plus the fact that I get compared to them all the fucking time, I do not think we look alike in the least bit and me dying my hair purple right after they dyed theirs was just a coincidence. I will not admit that I am slightly jealous because they're pulling better numbers than me on their posts, because I'm definitely not jealous. I mean Crier has 7000 followers and I have 113k, and yet their posts are doing better than mine.

     I should've blocked them by now but we're mutuals, Crier would notice and post about it and then it would be a whole big thing. I already have enough on my plate without starting an argument with Crier of all people.

     The little box in the corner of my screen is glowing red, that should be a good sign but I'm honestly scared to check on how the video is doing. It took me hours to make and I'm pretty sure that if it does awful I will actually cry. My finger hovers over the button but I hesitate to click it, I look over at Salem hoping he will give me advice but unfortunately he's just a dumb bunny. That right there is another reason to hate Crier, they named their bunny Archie what kind of cursed name is that, nothing like the perfect an adorable name I gave my bunny.

    After having a staring contest with Salem I let my finger touch the screen and I see that I have 10 comments which get my hopes up at first until I realize that nine of the 10 comments are from my older videos I did really well.

     I go to reply to the comment that is from my most recent post and guess who it's from. Fucking Crier and oh my God it says...

A/N ok that's where the chapter ends because I haven't actually figured out what Crier commented yet anyways byee love you 😘😘

@literarylesbian x @crierswarWhere stories live. Discover now