Chapter 3

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I stare at my screen, shocked.

Crier: I didn't mean to send that to you, don't watch it!!

Well too fucking late. I don't bother replying. I don't believe for a second that Crier "accidentally" sent this to me. Especially not after the petty comment they left.

User @crierswar: You misspelled vegetables in your closed captioning :)

Like honestly what a bitch. I even double checked for spelling errors before posting it. I can't believe I missed that, but it's even more annoying because Crier pointed it out.

I have been planning to watch She-ra for a while now and now I know exactly what's going to happen.

     I kept telling myself that I was going to watch it but every time I was about to press play I couldn't, it was so pathetic but I would cry. It feels wrong to watch it without them. And now it doesn't even matter because I won't be able to watch it now that I know how it's going to play out.

They watched it before we met, and they wanted me to watch it so bad that we were going to make a whole date night out of it. Unfortunately things went south before that so we never got to do it and I still can't look at the show without thinking of them.

I look around my half packed room, hesitant to continue packing but also aware that I have to finish soon because the movers are coming in three days to take everything out. I really don't want to move again but I know we have to. At least this time I'll go to an actual school. For the last 2 years I've been doing online school, it's just been easier than having to meet new people and go to new schools multiple times a year. Mom says we're supposed to stay here longer so I can go to an actual highschool.

Plus it's going to be way different from how it was the last time I went to public school. Last time I went I didn't know I was a lesbian, I thought I was cis and most importantly I didn't have a TikTok with over 100k followers. I hope there will be cute lesbians there that I can make frineds with and then we can fall in love but considering that I'm going to a school in Ohio I think that is unlikely.

I wish my room would pack itself so I could lay on my bed while my things hopped in their little boxes. I wish I didn't have to pick which things get to come with me and which things got thrown away. I try to limit the things I get between houses but somehow I always end up with more that I thought. Things that meant the most to me at my last house will get left behind at this one and I am just too tired for it right now.

And that's not even considering the amount of fucking books I have to pack, I am going to cry just thinking about it.

@literarylesbian x @crierswarWhere stories live. Discover now