Chapter 5

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A/N I know i haven't updated in a while and you are all very sad about that but I am depressed lol


    I know that it is physically impossible to open the window of this plane, and I am far too big to fit through it. However that doesn't stop me from seriously contemplating throwing myself out of it. 

     On the drive to the airport it finally sank in that I am moving to Ohio. Ohio. Who the hell lives in Ohio? No one. I've moved all over the country, because of my dad being a secret agent, including Wyoming. I'm still not sure Wyoming actually exists but at this moment it still seems more interesting than Ohio.  

    After spending the last couple days doing nothing but packing and a little bit of crying I am exhausted but instead of sleeping on the flight I listened to Criers War on an audio book again, like an idiot. Mom said that dad is supposed to pick us up from the airport, I haven't seen him in months because of his top secret secret agent jobs and I'm kinda of excited. What I am not excited about if having to start school on Monday 

    Mom wants me start as soon as possible and because today is Friday I only get two days to unpack so finding things is going to be a nightmare on Monday and I will most likely be late to my first day at a new school. Not that is matters anyways I'm not going to be at this school for long. 

   The flight attendant interrupts my thoughts when he announces, "Please fasten your seat-belt we will be descending soon, thank you so much for choosing American Airlines we hope to see you again soon." 


    On the drive home Dad doesn't say much so I stare out the widow listening to Phoebe Bridgers so I can pretend I'm the main character. I wish I it was raining so my main character fantasy would be complete. 

   Dad says almost next to nothing the whole drive to our new home, he's usually really quite after his spy missions and usually mom gets him talking but not this time, apparently. When my phone dies, because I forgot to pack a charger, the silence in the car begins to suffocate. 

  We arrive at our new house and it looks like every other, empty. When you move around a lot everything starts to blend together. 


     Monday morning before my first day at a new school everything around me seems slow, like the room is spinning but i'm not. I spent the weekend unpacking but I can't seem to recall where I put everything to I spend forever looking for my favorite pair of sweatpants and then I spend extra long on my eyeliner because one side keeps getting bigger than the other, and even though I am already late I sit down with rabbit for emotional support. I'm not sure if it's for my emotional support or for his. 

   My mom drives me to school, which I am late to, and kindly wishes me a good day before I walk into the office. I talk to the man at the front desk and get my schedule before heading off to my homeroom. 

A/N I promise that next chapter from Criers POV will be much more exciting than this so sorry to disappoint with this one folks

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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