Chapter 5

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Harrys P.O.V

Im sooooo excited to go over Louis for dinner...Oh...I hope his mom likes me. Its currently 4:45 so I have to rush alittle as Louis house is a 15-20 minute ride. I still cant put my binder on so sadly I have to wear layers,luckily its not to hot outside

(picture above)

I somehow got a little bit of transtape on without hurting myself...I guess I'm just gonna have to sweat. I grab my keys and head to the door kissing Gemma's head where she laid fast asleep on the couch, left her a note saying id be back later and started the journey to my boyfriends house (AHHH).


the door opened to reveal a older women who was obviously Louis mom, They looked so much alike!?

"Hi Mrs. Tomlinson" I said with a smile"

"Oh hi honey are you one of Lottie's girlfriends from school?" Oh shit...My voice....Fuck.

"Oh *clears throat* uh no sorry I'm Harry....." She got a horrified look on her face realizing what she did.

"Oh I'm so sorry hun, not used to men being so kind and adorable" she said with a laugh defusing the anxiety building up in my unbinded chest. "anyways, come in come in, and call me Jay sweetie." Jay said with a warm smile. "Louis your.....Harrys here!" I laughed at that and soon heard the pitter patter of feet come running down the stairs and come to a screeching stop at the bottom.

"oh...Hi harry" he said becoming shy.

"Well boobear dinner will be ready soon why don't you show Harry your room.....Don't do anything I wouldn't do okay."

"Mummmmm don't call me that in front of Harry!" Louis said grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stair.

"Oh don't worry boobear I heard nothing" I said laughing.

For the next 15 minutes Louis showed me his room. He got bored eventually and fell dramatically backwards onto his twin sized bed. You think a boy in college would have a "big kid" bed by now but he said he likes how small it is.

"Come lay with me"

"There isn't any room Lou" I said with a laugh. In response he just opened his arms. Instead on laying down next to him I sat on his lap making his eyes shoot open. "Wot you opened your arms for me." I said shrugging and leaning down so my chin rests on his chest.

"....h..hi Harry"

"Hello boo" I felt the sudden urge to kiss him. He just looked so perfect. before I could act on it he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me hard, flipping us over so he could explore my mouth how ever he pleased. Moaning into his mouth I gripped his hair hard making him groan. I felt his hands brush my sides painfully "ah fuck not there."

"shit are you okay?" he pulled sad.

"Yeah Lou in fine just still hurt from before, just avoid my sides." he nodded "well come on then" grabbing his hair once again I and this time I initiated the kiss. We kissed rough and fast till we were just panting in each others mouths. I didn't want this to end, I reached down palming him for just a second before....


"FUCK" Louis said frustrated.

"C'mon love" we walked down the stairs Louis trailing slowly behind adjusting his pants. We sat down at his table making small talk to his mom. When Jay was distracted I scooched my chair closer to his and smoothed my hand over the tent in his chinos just as Jay looked back over to continue talking.

"Oh I almost forgot the desert just gimme a second boys ill be right back." with that I moved my hand off making Louis groan. "You okay Love?" Jay said peeking her head back around the door way into the dining room.

"yeah boo are you okay?" I said taughtingly.

"Yeah mum just tired is all." she nodded and hummed in response going back into the kitchen, Leaning back over to Louis looking behind him to watch for Jay I laid my palm back on his crotch massaging it lightly "Oh boo don't think I'm done with you love." .This is gonna be a fun desert.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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