Chapter 3

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Louis P.O.V

I'm not sure where this kid came from but I'm thankful for him. He's also quite possibly the cutest guy I've ever met. Look I might get bullied but I'm, not a baby. I get bullied cause I'm smaller than them (skinnier and shorter) and gay. It always starts with me standing up to them, or trying to and just getting beat up anyway. It gets annoying...and painful. But I feel confident that I can trust this boy.

"S-so Harry, what class do you have next?" I mentally cursed myself out for stuttering.

"I have choir next, what about you?" he said with a smile. Holy crap he has dimples.

"I actually happen to have the same class. Want to maybe...walk together?"

"I'd love to! I-I mean sure." now he's the one stuttering.

"Well come on then!" I said grabbing a hold of his hand lasing our fingers together and pulling him along. This might actually be a good day.

We ran up the stairs just in time...or so we thought. Just as we were about to open the doors to the choir room steven ramed Harry into the lockers with his shoulder. Harry immediately dropped gasping for air. Guess he hit his stomach? 

"What does the fairy have a boyfriend now?" I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry but if Harry could stand up for me I would do the same for him. 

"No Steven, in fact, I am his friend and you are nothing but a bully. I hate to have to break the news to you but...your not my type, no need to get jealous though." I said with a smirk. Although Steven didn't seem to see it as funny as it was. But instead of hitting me he started kicking and punching Harry again. Probably knowing that would hurt more than hitting me.

"Get off of him Steve he did nothing to you!" just as I began to give up hope the choir room door swung open revealing someone way scarier then Steven.

"What the hell is going on here Stevie!" I could tell the younger sounding nickname irritated Steve. "I will give you till the count of 5 to be out of my sight before I pound you 6 feet under the ground. 1, 2, 3" by 4 Steve was sprinting so fast my head spun. I wanted to comfort Harry but I didn't want to get to close fearful of him counting at me too.

"Hey Haz are you okay?" surprisingly his voice became soft as he knelt down to Harry's level. It was now I realized Harry was still gasping for air.

"y-yeah Zaynie i-im okay." Zaynie? Did they know each other? It was then I didn't care about Zayn if Harry trusted him I did too. I've never actually talked to Zayn he just seemed so scary. He always sat and watched people get beat up and then would beat up whoever was bullying. But he was scarier than the bullies. 

"Harry oh my god are you okay? I'm so sorry you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to I don't want you to have to get hurt because of me!" at this point I was rambling. Till Harry cupped my face with the hand not holding his chest, weird thought he would be holding his stomach? 

"Lou I told you I'm gonna save you, not leave you. I will never leave you." He said all of this while looking me right in the eyes. God, I wanna kiss him so bad. But I'm too shy I would never. You know what no screw shy. I looked deeper into his eyes if that's even possible and leaned in slightly. I watched Harry's eyes flicker from my eyes to my Lips then back up to my eyes. Finally, Harry closed the gap pulling my face closer by the back of my neck. It. Was. Magic. instant fireworks and butterflies. We pulled apart after the sound of someone clearing their throats. Oh crap, Zayn is still here. 

"Sorry, Zayn," I said but looking at Harry he seemed in a daze. I waved my hand in front of his face to get his attention but he still seemed out of it.

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