Saying Bye to the den

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Eight years later~~~~


When I woke up, I still had sleep in my eyes. Five fricken am. The things I do for these people. I smiled fondly. My family and I were currently living in a small apartment. It had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen/dining room. The largest room was the second bedroom, where the girls slept. It's not like we were hogs, it's just that there were eight girls and only two guys. 

After I got up and got dressed into my new school uniform, I went into the kitchen to prepare the last meal we would be having here for a while.

My friends (family) and I would be going to a extremely prestigious boarding school called Ouran High school. I was ready. All of us had gotten in on a complete scholarship which included boarding


The good smell of bacon and pancakes must have woken everyone else up. Of course the boys were the first ones to come running to the table.

"FOOD!" The boys shouted.

"SIT DOWN AND WAIT PATIENTLY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I screamed at them while waving a knife around.

I must have looked pretty scary because they flinched an nodded.

Soon, everyone else filed in and we all ate. The girls got to help themselves first, of course.


"So have we all memorized the layout of the school?" I questioned my friends.

They all nodded.

"I really don't understand why we should board there instead of stay here," Austin grumbled.

"Because," Taylor said, "the rooms there are free, and bigger, and we don't have to spend money on commuting between school and home."


We were packing up the last of our stuff. I had managed to get us a suite that had a similar layout to our apartment.

Abby was complaining about the uniforms we had to wear. They weren't the same as the rich kids had to use. We only had to have a pleated skirt (of any color) that ended an inch above the knee and a uniform shirt that matched in color along with black stilettos. We were aloud to wear a jacket and our hair could be in any appropriate style. That meant no really high hair.

"Stupid skirt! I can barely move in this thing without flashing anything!" Abby ranted.

"You could have just worn shorts under it," Lana said in a "duh" tone.

"I am going to go do that," Abby announced a she raced into the bathroom with a pair if shorts in toe.

Eli smirked, and then promptly got smacked by Yelena and Ainsley, on the head.

"OUCH!" Eli yelled. I snickered. The guys actually looked sophisticated in their uniforms (but we all knew that they were true three year old that knew way too much on the inside). They had the same ones as the rich guys did. A blue tux jacket with "OR" on it, long black pants, and shinny dress shoes. They didn't feel insecure about their outfits, but the girls did. Stupid adolescence.

"Let's go guys," Abby said after she came out of the bathroom.

"Say bye to the den, cause we won't be back for a long time," Yelena wistfully.

"I actually am gonna miss it," Taylor sighed. Ainsley nodded in agreement.

"Come on all y'all slow pokes!! We got classes to attend!" Kendall shouted with her arm slung around Megan.

"Yeah, we really don't want to be late," Megan chastised.

There was a chorus of yeses and a bunch of nods.

The group filed out the door leaving me behind in the home we had shared for the last five years. I smiled. My family and I were happy. It was time to move on to the next blank canvass in my life. Hopefully, no imperfections would appear on them.

"Until we meet again, good bye," I thought as I exited the apartment. After closing the door and locking it, I ran to catch up with my friends. And for the first time, I didn't look back. (A/N_ If anyone got that reference, then you guys got skill!)

So I probably was a little over dramatic with this stuff, so sorry. If I ever finish this book, I will write a little story about what happened in that eight year time lapse. Thanks for reading!!

~ Shad_the_Fangirl

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