Meet the Host Club

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  As we all needed the entrance of the school, we noticed a group of guys standing there. There was this short blonde that looked like he was supposed to be in the fifth grade and tall serious looking guy next to the short one. Next to him was another shortly, only this time, the person was as tall as me and look like they belonged in middle school. There was a really tall guy with black hair and rectangular glasses next to shortly number two. This guy looked like he was the mastermind behind the group, go obviously was quite smart. Standing next to the smart guy, was the tallest of the group with blonde hair and violet eyes. Then there were two completely identical twins. The only difference was that the parted their hair two different ways. They looked like trouble makers, they should get along well with Eli and Austin.

Art who was reading a book didn't notice the large group of guys, and when she did, she whispered something to Lana, and Lana snickered.

As we neared the entrance one of the Boyd, the really tall blonde, announced, "Welcome to Ouran High school! We are the Ouran High School Host Club and our job is to make everyone happy. But first, I must ask you..."

He ran up to me and stroked my jawline, "Do you like the young and innocent type like Honey?" He pointed to the short blonde, "The mischievous type the Hitachian twins? (A/N_ every time Tamaki identifies a guy and their type, he also is pointing too them) The girly like Haruhi? The quite like Mori? The cool like Kyoyo? Or the princely like me?" I was about to punch this guy, but the he was knocked to the ground while clutching his side.

Art stood behind him, her hand coiled in a fist, "That is qualified as sexual harassment,"

"Please refrain from harassing the president of the Host Club," the tall dude with glasses said, "We could get a bad reputation, and if there is an injury, we might just have to sue you."

"Otori Kyoyo, your reputation precedes you," Art mused, "But you need an update on how it all works."
"How so?" Kyoyo asked, eyebrows raised. It was obvious this guys wasn't used to being questioned.
"I could call that punch defense. I could have been a protective friend protecting a fellow comrade from being raped by some stranger."
"Impressive," Kyoyo said.
"Likewise," Art replied.

"She does match his intelligence," the two twins said.

"We are going to show you guys around the school!" the little kid, Honey I think, anounced.

Megan smiled at him and said, "Thanks for offering, but we already know where everything is." Leave it to Megan to be the sweet one.

The kid looked disapointed, like really disapointed. Wow, he was about to cry. Then, the tall guy next to him bent over and gave Honey a peice of cake. The tears quickly vanished, and a huge grin appeared. I didn't get it. Oh well.

"Since you guys introduced yourselves, I will do the same-"

"Oh, we already know who you guys are. The Solus family, Latin for 'lone'," Kyoyo said.

"Well since you're a stalker, we will eb going now!" Eli sadi. Art punched him and he glared at her.

"I bid you good day," Tamaki had finnaly recovered from Art's punch, and he was currently in a huge bow.

Art rolled her eyes, spun on her heel, and jogged away, with the rest of us trailing behind.

I heard the twins say,"Boss, you are getting rusty."

I have a feeling that broke poor Tamaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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