The Host Club Talks New People

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"Listen up everybody!" I said," Today, there will a group of ten new honour students arriving to settle in."

"So?" The Hitachian twins asked in sync.

"We can gather some new costomers," Kyoyo said.

"Are they commoners like Haru-chan?" Honey asked.

Said person sweat dropped and muttered, "I'm right here you know."

"Yes they are, and one of them could rival Kyoyo's intelligence," I said cheerfully. Kyoyo glared at me for that comment.

"But can that said person rival Kyoyo's cold personality?" Haruhi asked. Kyoyo glared again

"Anyway, we are going to show them around the school, and help them settle in," I said, " The guys have the same uniforms as we do, but the girls have a different one from the girls that go here.

"So who are these people?" Haruhi asked.

"After doing my usual background check, I realised that these new students are all orphans and they consider eachother as family, much like we do. Also, they are all in Tamaki's and my (A/N_ this sounds like incorrect grammar but it's correct) class," our personal stalker, Kyoyo, said, "Do you guys remember the shooting that happened in Craig Park eight years ago?"

"The one where the killer got killed by one of the victims?" Haruhi asked.

Kyoyo nodded, "These people happen to be the sole survivors from that shooting."

"Oh," was the simple answer. I couldn't imagine watching the people I love die. I would be surprised if these guys suffered from PTSD.

"Isn't our motto to make all of our customers smile?" Haruhi asked.

"Why yes it is dear Haruhi," the twins said with a trouble maker smile.

She shivered, "Then let's make them smile!"

I grew quite happy. My little Haruhi was finally understanding our morals!

"We should get going," Kyoyo said, "they should be getting here soon."

Everyone agreed, and soon we were waiting at the entrance of the school for the new guys.

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