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Sam, Dean and Bobby get an unexpected knock on there door form a girl called Ava saying she has seen Sam die in a vision but it's all too much for Dean and he storm out of the motel room to go and get a drink leavening Sam and Bobby to deal with Ava vision of Sam dying but before they could talk to Ava about her vision Sam suddenly had a vision on his own of Dean getting blown up and as soon as he had that vision him and Bobby both left the motel straight away to go and find Dean to tell him about Sam vision but as they got to the pub Dean had already left with a hunter called Gordon Walker the ultimate vampire Hunter but while Sam was looking for Dean, he was with Gordon about to take down a massive vampire nest but after him and Gordon took down the vampire nest, Gordon then knocked out Dean and kidnapped him and then took him to an abandoned house, but the only way Sam and Bobby found where Dean was by used the find my phone app and once they found where they where him and Bobby drove straight to Dean location but while Sam and Bobby where on there way Dean found that Gordon was working for Azazel and he was sent to kill Sam, but when Sam and Bobby got to Dean and go him out Gordon manag to get a shot of that hit Sam in shoulder but after they escaped Gordon Dean stitched up Sam. Once they get to the motel there room door was kick down and Ava was gone and as soon as they smelt sulfur they knew it was a demon that took Ava. While Dean was finished fixing his Impala he heard a phone and it was coming from the glove compartment and it they're out to be their Dads phone and when he answered it was a woman called Ellen Harvelle and she had a case for John. After Dean asked Bobby who she was the boys then left to go and find her in The Roadhouse and when they got their they meet Jo who was Ellen's daughter and once they told them that their Dad was killed by a demon, Sam and Dean took the case that Jo had gathered all the information on and they left not before Jo asked if she could go with then but because the boys were smart they said no. Once they got to where the killing were happened they were soon in unknown territory with a monster that was killing people who escaped justice for the crime they committed and they were being kill by all their fat being drained out of their body but after a couple of killing the boys finally found out they were hunter a Pishtaco a monster that is native to Peru and it was a Detective by the name of Alonso Hernandez who was killing criminals who got away with their crimes because someone killed his sister who got away with it but once Dean had killed him and save his brother they went back to The Roadhouse and then told Ellen and jo about Sam power and who Azazel was and who he killed and the gun that can kill him and they then ask Ash to track him down for them. A month after asking Ash to search for Azazel, Sam and Dean enter their motel room were they got gassed by a swat team and take to a secret unknown place that turned out to be a secret floor in the FBI headquarters and it turned out that The President kidnapped as after the attack by the Wraiths in the prison he opened up a unit called the unexplained and he had the two Agents that were in the Wraith attack but they then went on a case with the two Agents that was involving a ghost that was making people kill them selves and unfortunately the ghost infected Dean and while they were thinking of a way to kill the ghost the agent told them about their supernatural they wanted to put the ghost in but once's Sam and Dean told them they need that they need to add salt to the walls and devils trap but then the ghost attacked and Ericsson had to burn the thing the ghost was attached to and when they went back the unexplained office The President ask the boys to join him on the unexplained but they said but before they left The President gave them a key to get back into the unexplained then they left. Sam then got a call for help from one of their hunting friends Sam Plane and when Dean and Sam went to go and help they found out that Sam and Josh were trying to find Bela who went to a abandoned ship to find a rear jewel but it turns out that a soul eater is on the ship and it had taken Josh, Sam and Bela soul and then possessed Josh's body but once the soul eater took Dean, while he was in the nest he found Sam, Josh and Bela and they all got caught up with what's happening their lives and after that Sam managed to trap the soul eater and get them all back from the nest. Ash finally get a location on Azazel and it's in Louisiana where a devils gate is and on route to that local the boys call Bobby for back up and once they all meet up in a motel Bobby and Sam start looking for the Devil's gate while Dean goes of to get some food but while he put he gets attack by Jake and Gordon but once Dean get out alive he rushed back to the motel to tell Bobby and Sam who have found the Devil's gate so Dean send them off while he call in Josh and Sam on help holding back Jake and Gordon but they quickly find them and a fight breaks out, while on the way to the Devil's gate Bobby ask Sam to promise him that he will kill Jake before he has to chance to kill him and when they arrive at the devil's gate Sam hatched a plan to try and get the Colt know that it wouldn't work but once Dean got to the gate they put their plan in to action and it work they got more information out of Azazel by him saying that he also wants to release Lilith in order for her to break the 66 seal to free Lucifer and when Jake and Gordon attack again the boys and a Bobby many to get out alive as well as blow up the devil's gate, but while they were in the car Dean tells Sam that he's tired of this life and the weight on his shoulder. After they got away from Azazel, Jake and Gordon. Sam and Dean along with Bobby go back to The Roadhouse where the boys got a case from Ellen where Jo gathered all the information on it again but before they took the case Ash said he would carry on looking for Azazel and the next Devils gate so they decided to go on the case to find out what happened to this missing hunter and group of missing men but as soon as they got into town they immediately came across a crime scene with another missing man but after they look around the scene with the EMF and it completely red lined so they knew they had a ghost but once they had spoken to the Officer at the scene about him possibly seeing the other hunter and once the Officer told them that they did at the beginning of the disappearance and they found what motel he was staying at. When they got to the motel and after they had book their our room the flashed their FBI ID to get into the missing hunters room and when they got to the other hunter room everything they needed to know was in like that they were hunting a Woman In White that was killing unfaithful men and after that it didn't take them long to find out who it was and where she was berried. So that night they burned her body but the next morning while Sam was out their was another disappearances so after Sam told Dean, Sam started doing some research on how to stop a Woman In White and soon found that the ghost of her dead children would take her spirit to the afterlife so they both immediately went back to the farm and split up to see if the ghost of her children where around and Sam quick found them upstairs in the main house while Dean stumbled on all the body's of the missing men but before he knew the ghost of all them appeared and started attacking and once Dean got flung out of the barn he called out for Sam who quick came out and shot some of the ghost so that Dean and him could get away but the ghost stopped the Impala that sent them back to the house to find safety in the cellar once they had put a salt line down Dean then called Bobby up so he could come and help as well as dealing with the Woman in White. Once Bobby had smashed into the house with the Woman In White the boys quickly came along to see her get destroyed but they then quickly blow up the barn with all the other bodies in after a little fight with the load of ghost and when they got back to the Roadhouse Jo found that her Dad died with John Winchester so she stormed out but Sam followed her and gave her Sam mad Josh Phone number and after Sam told everyone that Ash came out saying he's found some of his super soldiers in Portland, Oregon. Once Both Sam's, Dean and Josh had defeated Andrew and Lily everything started to go very wrong with a Hades raise a load of zombies in a shopping centre but they soon find out that the wild fire Hades was doing was just the beginning on his plan and that the zombies is the way he is going to burn the world alive as they can no be killed by anything and Zues quickly confirmed this theory so Dean and The Other Sam went to the shopping centre with Zues while Sam and Josh try to find a way to stop this but before they knew it Zues quickly appeared again and told them that Hades had warded the centre again him and before they could find a way to stop this more Zombies attack and they all knew then it was too late as they got out of there motel they all saw a massive horde coming towards then so they all speed of in the Impala quickly and started making there way to the shopping centre but back with Dean and The Other Sam they got told about the warding and they both had split up to try and find the warding and destroy it and when they split up Dean quickly came across horde but he also came across a girl called Donna who was the last person alive in the centre and The Other Sam managed to find the warding but before he could do anything he heard an explosion and as he run up to a window he saw Dean with Donna and they all the explosion from the city and all the zombies in the parking lot. Zues, Sam and Josh pulled over before they left for the shopping centre and talk about how it was all over but when they arrive at the centre they saw zombies everywhere but luckily Zues summoned some lightning to put them down for a while while Josh and Sam went in for The Other Sam and Dean but back with Sam, Dean and Donna they run into a horde so they had to run for there lives down to the bottom floor but Dean suddenly stopped and pulled out a grenade lunch and fire and shot exploding the stair ways and after The Other Sam jumped out of the way with Donna he went out to find Dean and while he was looking he came across a zombies and found out that cutting there head of will slow them down but once both The Other Sam and Donna got Dean out from under this massive bit on concrete they ran into the bored again  and as they were running they bumped into Josh and Sam and the Other Sam then handed Josh the grenade lunch so he fire a shot as they all run out of the centre and as Josh got blown to the ground but Josh quickly got up but then Hades was behind him and quickly grabbed him by the neck by Zues quickly came to the rescue and started fight Hades and that ended with Hades killing Zues by burning him alive and after that Hades told them all that he wanted to rule over the earth once everyone is dead and created his own raise of people to rule over after he said that they all started fighting him and that ended with both Sam's and Dean dying and that's when Josh found out that all of that was Hades showing Josh a vision of the future to come and that it was coming soon.

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