Chapter 2

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Once they got back to there motel room the boys quickly walked in and Dean instantly walked over to his duffel that was under his bed and once he pulled it out and put it on top of his bed and then quickly pull out his Dads journal and then walked over to the table where Sam was sitting and then quickly flicked though the journal until Dean found what he was looking for and when he did he pulled out this picture that was in this pocket that John created on that page and as soon as Dean put the picture down on the table both him and Sam saw the exactly the same hand print and as Sam was looking at the picture Dean was reading what his dad had put down on his journal and once Dean had ready the first part he said "I know what we are hunting." Sam then looked up and said "what is it?" Dean then said "it's a witch." Sam then said back to that "well that makes sense i mean how didn't we figure that out." Dean then said "probably because it's only a certain type of witch that does this." Sam then looked at Dean and said "I thought there was only one type of witch." Dean then said back to that "no this witch is called a Shtriga." Sam then said "what the hell is a Shtriga?" Dean then said "it's a type of witch that is from Albania and they date back to Ancient Rome and these witch feed on spiritus vitae which is like your life force or essence of that what you wanna call it but once The Shtriga has taken you life forces your immune system go to hell and then pneumonia takes hold and Dads also written down that Shtrigas can feed on anyone but they prefer children because they have a stronger life force." Sam then said back "does it say how we can kill this Shtriga?" Dean then said "we'll it says hear that the only time we can kill her with consecrated iron but we can only kill her when she is feeding as that the only time she not invincible." Sam then said "we'll that just makes thing more difficult." Dean said "yeah but this case wasn't easy from the start but we now know what we gotta do." Sam then said "yeah all we've gotta do now is find it's next victim." Dean then said "yes we do but that shouldn't be difficult, I mean all the attacks that have happen have all been in the same area we just need to find the next house that has siblings in it." After Dean said that he then got up of his seat and then walked over to his bed and then put his hand down his faces and when Sam saw this he said "Dean are you alright?" Dean then turned around and looked at Sam mad said "i just don't understand how I didn't catch on to this being a Shtriga as I was there when Dad was working that case." Sam then got up from his seat and walked over to Dean and then said "come on Dean you must of been what like 12 when Dad hunted that Shtriga." Dean then said "yeah but I still should of click on like we've been hear for two weeks and it took till we found that print for it all to click." Sam then said "Dean why is this bothering you so much?" Dean then said "because we could of kill this thing a when we first arrive in town if I spotted it earlier." Sam then said "hang on a minute are you blaming your self for what happened to all then kids?" Dean then looked at Sam for a second and then said "yeah I do Sam, come on man I mean how long have we been hunting like all our lives I should of known better." Sam then said "no Dean you shouldn't off I mean how can you remember something that happen when you were 12." Dean then said "because that's what Dad taught us to do." Sam then said "what do you feel like your not honouring his memory." Dean then just looked at him and as he sat down on his bed and said "yeah I guess I am." Sam then sat next to him and said "we'll you know what we've gotta do?" Dean then just looked at him and said "what?" "We gotta kill this evil son of a bitch." Dean then smiled and then said "we better start looking for the next victim." After that he then got up and walked back and pulled his laptop out of his duffel bag and walked back over to the table as Sam follow behind him and once they both sat down they started looking for the next victim.

It didn't take them long to find a couple of possible target and when they both found something Sam said "I think I've got something." Dean then said back "yeah I think I do too." Sam then said "we'll that's great how are we going to narrow it down to the one the Shtriga is going to attack?" Dean then said back "what house have you got?" Sam then said back "I have 39 park road why?" Dean then said "we'll I have 45 park road so we could both take one each." Sam then said "to be honest Dean I don't really think that is a good idea." Dean then said back "well if you have a way of figuring out what house is going to get hit I'm all ears Sam." Sam then just looked at Dean and didn't say anything and then a couple of seconds later Dean said "right we'll both take one each then, get you things ready Sam." After he said that they both got up and got there things all packed up and once they had done that they quickly left.

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