Chapter 1

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"Hello I'm am special agent Hatfield and this is my partner special agent Wanek, we are hear to see the sick children." Dean said to the The hospital Receptionist then, he said back "they are on the intensive care wing which is the 5th floor of the hospital." Dean then said "thank you." After that they then walk over and went over to the elevator and while they were waiting for the elevator to arrive Sam said to Dean "we've have been hear for two weeks now Dean and we aren't getting any closer to find what is doing this to these kids." Dean then said back "yeah tell me about every time we get the smallest lead it turned into another dead end." Sam then said "yeah I know and while we're chasing dead end more kid are getting pneumonia." Dean then said as the elevator arrived and the doors open "yeah I know but maybe coming hear and see the kid might give us a good lead." And once he said that the doors open and they walked in and as they walked in Sam pressed the button for level 5 and it didn't take them long to get to the 5th floor and as soon as they arrived they both quickly walked out and they both instantly saw all the children slowly dying of pneumonia and they both then looked at each other and then both tensed there faces as the Doctor came up to them and pulled his mask down and said "hello there can I help you?" They both then pulled out there FBI badge and then Sam said "yeah we are hear to talk to you about what might be cause this to happen." The Doctor then said back "I thought that they would send the CDC." Dean then said back to that " yeah you would think but the bureau wanted us to come and investigate to make sure it's not terrorist related before the CDC come in." The Doctor then said "alright, we'll you do are going to need a mask each before to go any further." And as both Sam and Dean walked to over to pick up a mask and put it on Sam said to him "I'm sorry Doctor we didn't get your name?" The Doctor then said back "I'm Doctor Hydeker." And after he said both the boys had there mask on and as they walked in to the main room on the insensitive care wing Doctor Hydeker said "now I've never seen this many case on pneumonia all at one time in my life before and it seems to be speeding though siblings starting with the youngest first but what we would use to treat pneumonia normally doesn't seem to be working." Sam then said back to that "is there any signs of what may have caused this to happen?" Hydeker then said back to that "no we have no idea, it's like it just came out of no where." Dean then said "who has been the latest victim?" Hydeker then said "over there, The Brown family." And as soon as he said that Dean then walked over to The Brown family and he pulled out his FBI badge and said "hello I'm special agent Hatfield, I was wonder if I could ask you a few question about what happen to your children?" Mr and Mrs Brown then looked at Dean and Mr Brown then said "yeah sure but what does the FBI gonna do about an outbreak of pneumonia." Dean then said back "because we need to make sure it's not terrorise related before the CDC come and check it out." Mrs Brown then said "what did you want to know?" Dean then said back " we'll when you went into your children's room did you have any strange smells in there?" Mr Brown then said back with confusion "no there was no funny smells in there." Dean then said "what about any cold spots?" Mr Brown then said again "no there wasn't, I don't see how these questions are going to help your investigation?" Dean then said "I know there strange but trust me they are a bug help, so is there anything that you notice that was out of place?" Mrs Brown then said "I mean I think there's was but it sounds stupid." Dean then said "trust nothing is too stupid trust me." She then said "we'll I'm pretty sure I saw a hand print on the outside of the window but I'm not too sure if I was just seeing things." Dean then said back to her "would it be alright if me and my partner went and checked it out?" Mr Brown then said " hang on a minute, you actually believe that?" Dean then said "yes I do believe that so would it be alright if I went and had a look in your house?" Mr Brown then said " yeah you can but you won't find anything as my wife was seeing thing." Dean then said "I'll be the judge of that, what's your address." Mrs Brwon then said "34, park road but the police should still be there." Dean then said "thank you and I promise we will try and find what cause this to happen to you children." Mrs Brown then said as Dean turned around and walked away "Thank you agent." And as Dean walked up to Sam he said "has the Doctor said anything that might give us any leads?" Sam then said back "no he been saying more about medical side of this, nothing that really called out supernatural creature." Dean then said "we'll I think I have us a pretty solid lead." Sam then said "what is it?" Dean then said back "we'll the latest victim may have a pretty solid lead in this case apparently there a hand print on the outside of the window so I say we go and check that out." Sam then said back "yeah this might give us that break we need before anymore kids end up in hear." And after he said that the boys then left the ICU and the hospital.

When the boys arrive at the Browns house they quickly pulled up right outside there house and instantly started walking up to the officer at the door and as they were walking up both Sam and Dean pulled out there fake badge and once the officer saw them he quickly pulled up the police tape to let them and as soon as they walked into the house they both instantly went upstairs into the children bedroom and as they walked there room was full of CSI and then both Sam and Dean pulled out there badges and then Sam said "can we have the room for a minute." After Sam said that the head CSI walked up to Sam and Dean and said "we can't leave the room we are gathering evidence." Sam then said "yes I understand but we need to take a look around as this is now a very high profile case." The Head CSI then said "fine but, don't touch anything because we can't afford for any the evidence to be contaminated." Dean then said "don't worry we won't touch anything but we really need to take a look around before another kid get pneumonia." After he said that, The Head CSI then looked back at the other CSI's that were in the room and said "come on guys let's take a break." After that they all then left the room and once they were gone Sam then shut the door behind them and Dean then said "you got the EMF." Sam then said "yes I do." As he pulled it out of his pocket and switched it on and started sweeping the room but as Sam was doing that Dean walked over to the window and quickly open the window to see this hand print that and as soon as he opened the window he saw the hand print that Mrs Brown told him about and it look like it the hand print was all rotten along with long boney fingers with sharp nails and when he saw this he said to Sam "hay Sam you need to come a look at this." And when Sam heard Dean he turned on the EMF and put it back in pocket as he walked over to Dean and looked out the window and saw the hand print and instantly said "holy crap what the hell leave a hand print like that." Dean then said "I don't know but I recognise this hand print I think I've seen it somewhere before." And as soon as Dean said that Sam said "yeah I do as well I'm pretty sure that it was in Dad journal." "Yeah I think you right, come on I think we need we need to go back to the motel and have a look." Dean said and once he said that they both quickly left to get back to the motel.

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