Chapter 5

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After Sam and Bobby agree on there plan they both went to the hospital to see how Dean was getting on and as soon as they got there they instantly went up too level 5 and they quickly walked into walked into the main part of the ICU and as soon as Doctor Hydeker saw them he instantly walked over and said "hello Agents I'm guessing your hear to see how your partner is getting on." Sam then said "yes I am and this is my supervisor special agent Mike Kayser." After Sam said that The Doctor then said "nice you meet you agents I hope that you guys can figure what is causing this as we lost some more of the kids this morning." And when Sam heard that he then tensed his face and they then walked over to where Dean and the parents where and once they got there Bobby said "how is he doing Doctor?" The Doctor then looked at them and said "no good I'm afraid it seem that both The Parents and your agent are dying quicker than the children." Sam and Bobby then looked at each other and then Sam said "alright Doctor, do you mind if we have a minute." The Doctor then said "yeah sure I'll be check on the kid." After that The Doctor then walked away and as soon as he was gone Sam said "we need to kill this Shtriga tonight." Bobby then just looked at Sam and then said "I hate to say this Sam but we might need to prepare our selves that this plan might not work." Sam then just looked at Bobby and said "it has to work Bobby." Bobby then just looked at him and before he could say anything Sam saw Chandler sitting and he then said to Bobby "give me a second." After that he then started walking over to Chandler and while he was doing that Bobby turned around and saw where he was going and as Sam got over to him he sat down next to him and said "how long have you been hear for?" Chandler then looked at Sam and didn't say anything back to him and then Sam said "I know how your feeling right now." Chandler then said back to that "no you don't." "I do, I lost both of my parents." Sam said and when he said that Chandler then looked at him and said back "when?" Sam then replied back with "I lost my mum when I was a baby and I lost my dad about a year ago." Chandler then said back "what did you do after?" Sam then said "we'll I had to be strong as that's what they would want me to do and I know it's hard to do that but you've gotta try but, you not gotta worry about having to be strong for long as your Mum, Dad and your brother are going to get better very soon." Chandler then said back "how do you know that?" Sam then said "because me and my partner are very close to catching who has done this." Chandler then said "but how do you know there all going to wake up, I know what the Doctors said to you." Sam then tensed his face and then said "I just know there going to wake up and your just have to trust me on that but I have to go back to work now so are you going to be alright?" Chandler then said back "yeah I'll be alright." After that Sam then got up and walked back over to Bobby and when he got to him Bobby said "is he alright?" Sam then said "yeah he a strong kid, he'll be alright but we need to end this now." After Sam said that both him and Bobby then left the hospital and made there way back to Chandler house so they could get ready for the that night.

Once they got the Chandler house it was still a couple of hour till nightfall came so it gave them enough time to get everything set up for the Shtriga and once they had the camera all set up that was feeding video through to the room next to it, it was nightfall and once they were all ready they both walked into the kids bedroom and Bobby then looked at Sam and said "are you sure you want to do this Sam?" Sam then said back "i have to do this Bobby I don't have a choice hear." Bobby then said back to Sam "we'll if anything starts to go wrong I'm coming in a opening fire on that son of a bitch weather it's feeding on your or not." Sam then smiled and said "Bobby I wouldn't have it any other way." Bobby then tapped Sam of the shoulder and said "good luck." He then walked out of the room and shit the door behind him.

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