Chapter 4

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As Sam ran as fast as he could all the way up to the house that Dean was at and when he was the front door was wide he quickly stopped and pulled his gun and loaded a bullet into and then as he walked into the pitch black house he pulled out his flashlight and walked in looking for Dean and once he was inside he check the bottom floor of the house first and he quickly found that Dean wasn't down there so, he then made his way upstairs and as soon as he got up there he instantly saw someone hand just peaking out of the children bed room and then quickly ran over to the room and as soon as he got there he saw Dean along with the older Brother, Mum and Dad all unconscious on the floor and Sam then quickly run to his Bother side and neat down next to him and felt around for a pile and while he was trying to find one Sam said to himself "I told you we should of found a way to figure out what house it was." And as Sam said that he found Dean pules and as he found it he suddenly heard something moving around under the second bed in the room and then Sam quickly shot and point his gun over to the bed and said "who's there?" A Young Boy then said back "is it gone?" And when Sam heard a boy's voice he lowered his gun and said "yeah it's gone your safe now." And after he said that the boy then crawled out from under the bed and Sam then walked over to him and nealt down to him and said "what's your name?" The Boy then said back "I'm Chandler." Sam then said "hi Chandler I'm Sam." Chandler then said back "are my family going to be alright?" Sam then looked around at all there bodies and then said back "yeah, there going to be fine but I need to make a call to someone." After that Sam then got to his feet and pulled out his phone and then quickly called up Bobby and once he answered Sam said "Hi Bobby I need your help." Bobby then said back "what's happened Sam?" Sam then said back Dean been attacked by a Shtriga." Bobby then said "balls, I'm on my way text me over where you are." Sam then said back "thanks Bobby." After that Sam then hung up the phone and quickly text over his location to Bobby and once he did that Chandler said to Sam "is Bobby a police officer?" Sam then looked at him and said "yeah he kinda but don't worry I'm going to get your family help." After that Sam then call 911 and when he got thought he said "I need an ambulance at 45 park road immediately I have four victims that have extreme case of pneumonia." The 911 Call Operator said back "alright I'm going to send two ambulances out to your location now they are three minutes out." Sam then said "alright thank you." Sam then hung up the phone.

After the ambulance had arrived and taken the Parents, Older Brother and Dean to the hospital, he went back to the motel and when he got there Bobby was waiting outside and once Sam parked up the Impala he quickly got out and said "thanks for coming Bobby." And after he said that Sam pulled out the keys and unlocked the door and once they walked inside and Bobby shut the door Sam chucked the keys down on the table and then said " what the hell do we do Bobby." Bobby then said back "well for one thing we need to kill this Shtriga before it's all the people that it attack die." Sam then said "Bobby there already dead there no way of getting there life force back from the Shtriga, Dean gone." Bobby then said "no Sam he's not." Sam then looked at him with confusion and then said "what do you mean." Bobby then said back "once you kill the Shtriga all the life force that it has sucked out go back to the people." And as Bobby said that Sam's face complete lit up and he then said "Dad didn't say anything about this in his journal." Bobby then said back "yeah that probably because your Dad left right after he killed the dam thing." Sam then got up and said "and how are we going to do that?" Bobby then said "we'll I'm guessing that the kid has a Young Bother or Sister?" Sam then said "yeah he called Chandler." Bobby then said "we'll all we need to do is wait for tonight and when the Shtriga attack the Young Brother." Sam then said "no Bobby I'm not doing that it's too risky." Bobby then said "Sam there is no other way of killing this thing and you know that." Sam then said "yeah I know but I'm not going to put this kid in danger and me and Dean already tired that and look at how that needed, I mean I may have an idea." Bobby then said "what your idea?" Sam then said "we'll why don't we use me as bait instead of the kid?" Bobby then put his hand down his face and said "I don't know if that will work Sam." Sam then said "yeah it might now but it's worth a shot don't you think worth a shot?" Bobby then said "I mean yeah we can give it a shot but we need to Shtriga to start feeding on you before we shot it." Sam then said "yeah I know but that should be pretty easy I mean it did attack both the parents and Dean." Bobby then said back "yeah that lad only because Dean attacked the dam thing and it was trying to defend it self and it's going to be a lot harder trying to trick it." Sam then said "yeah I know Bobby but we have no other choice as I'm not putting Chandler back in there." Bobby then said "alright Sam but if anything goes wrong I'm busting right in there an opening fire of the son of a bitch." Sam then said "deal."

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