Chapter 3

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(there's gonna be a lot of the word beach in this sentence i was laughing when i wrote this part cause it made no sense to me) 

Austin's P.O.V              Location: The beach

Once we all got ready for the beach, we head off to the beach. when we got to the beach I ran as fast as I could to be the first one to swim I mean who doesn't like swimming? As I got to the beach I stopped mid run why? well umm there were people lying down not moving and don't be like "Well they could be asleep Austin" because they aren't, they are corpses with these weird and creepy things EATING THEM!? The creatures look human like but dead. Out of the corner of my eyes i could see my family had caught up and where also in shock and one of the creatures took notice of us and was walking slowly towards us and I heard a laugh i think it came from my dad and he said "Pft  wow NICE PRANK GUYS!!!" dad yelled out loud which got all the creatures attention and they made this weird but creepy groaning noise and we took this as a sign that we should start running which we did and got into the car and drove home got once we got home we all went to change and our parents called some relatives but they didn't pick up their phones......

-Sorry this is a short chapter -^-III

-248 words

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