Chapter 4- New Friends???

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Ritchie's P.O.V           Location: An Abandoned Walmart 

All that was Three years ago I am now 17 years old, Micheal is 19 years old, and Austin is 13 years old. A year ago our parents Sally and Owen Catcher got bitten by the creatures we call Zombies but sometimes walkers and lurkers. Austin has gotten better at shooting a bow, Micheal is AMAZING at shooting a gun, Me well I'm good at shooting a gun and bow. Anyway's my brothers and I are on a supply run and of course  Austin had to bring Fred his stuffed animal with us and he likes to talk to his stuffed animal "Hey Ritchie?" Micheal says "yes?" I replied "Wheres Austin?" Micheal sounded confused "What do yo-" I was interrupted by a scream "AHHHH" "WHAT WAS THAT!?" I yelled terrified and surprised "That....sounded like Austin...." Micheal said. We ran to where Austin screamed and he was corned bye three people....

"WHO ARE YOU TO SCARE OUR LITTLE BROTHER!?" I say aloud and the three strangers turned around surprised "Sorry? we thought he was one of those walker's and we didn't try to scare the kid" guy #1 said in a apologetic manner as he said that Austin ran towards Micheal.

Ritchie's P.O.V.                Location: The Catcher Siblings Farm

"Soooo what are your guy's names anyway's?" I ask them "My name is Mevoda Yern bu call me Mev and I'm 23 years old, This is Xylo Lake and he's 22 years old" "Hello" Xylo said "And this is Tyger Cal T. Y. G. E. R not T. I. G. E. R and he's 21 years old" Mev finished "Mind telling us your names know?" Tyger asked looking at Micheal "Well my name's Micheal Catcher I am 19 years old, this is Ritchie Catcher and he is 17 and last but not least, Austin Catcher who is 13 years old" Micheal said pointing to me and Austin as he introduced us "Well nice to meet you guy's and sorry about what happened 4 hours ago hehehe....." Mev said looking at Austin as he apologizes "I quess its ok" Austin replied to Mev and walked off to get something to eat from the kitchen "So where are you guy's from?" Asked Micheal "well" Xylo started "I came from Pleasant Valley" Xylo said "Tyger and I Lukos Hill it's actually south from here" Mev said "What about you three?" Tyger said looking at me "Well me and my brothers were also from Pleasant Valley but left when the outbreak started there I say looking sad as I said that Austin came out of the house with food and drinks on a tray for all of us.

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