• Nick Fury has a son?! •

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A/N: We all know Irondad & spiderson and also Mama spider & baby spider but do you know Piratedad & Vigilanteson?

Aunt May was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent but when she died Peter was taken in by Nick Fury who is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter is Agent Spider but also goes by spiderman if his helping people publicly.
Nick Fury, Ironman, Black Widow and Hawkeye know Agent Spiders identity.

The Avengers go to a S.H.I.E.L.D. base for a meeting but then they accidentally meet Nick Fury's adopted son.

Third person:

The Avengers except, Clint, Nat and surprisingly Tony who were already there, were going to a meeting with Nick Fury about the damage they had done to a small city while raiding a Hydra base and chasing after some agents.

They were currently walking down a hallway to head to the meeting room when suddenly they heard a loud thud which was followed by 2-3 people laughing.

The Avengers recognised two of the voices being Clint and Tony, so it was probably coming from the meeting room.

They decided that it was best to start walking faster to get to the meeting room and see what was going on.

When they made it to the door Steve opened it and what they saw they could of never and I mean NEVER expect.

There at the end of the long table was Nick Furg hanging upside down from one leg that had a rope hoop rapped around it while crossing his arms.

Clint was on the ground clutching his stomach from laughing, Nat was sitting in a chair smirking and Tony was standing a few feet from Fury, bent over trying to hold his laugh in while holding a hand on someone else's shoulder that they didn't recognise.

Some of the avengers started laughing quietly while the others where just standing there frozen.

'Who did this?'

'Was it Tony, maybe thats why he was here early for once in his life?'

'How could someone even dare to do this?'

'Did Clint do it?'

'Who is that with Tony?'

'Omg Fury could fire the person responsible even if it was an avenger!'

'How do ladybugs have kids if their all girls?'

When Steve finally snapped out of his trance he asked "Mr Fury sir whats going on? Are you alright?"

The people in the room before them, excluding the person with Tony, snapped their heads towards the team which made them laugh even more, even The Black Widow was slightly laughing at the scene that was playing out in front of her.

After a few seconds the person with tony turned their head around.

It seemed to be a young boy not younger than 16, he had curly short hair and brown doe like eyes reminding some of them of 'Bambi'. He was wearing a custom green vest (imagine Yelena's vest) with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the right side of the chest, a black skin tight turtleneck under it, black cargo pants, black combat boots, a black mask that covered his mouth, and he was wearing 5 earrings: 2 were on his left ear; a silver arrow, and a black spider earring while there were 3 earrings on his right ear; a small earring with a yellow gem, a silver Avengers logo, and a ear cuff, chain earring with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. (Come on ya gotta give me some credit for how Peter looks like in this!)

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