• Sign language •

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A/N: I love Laura and shes a loving, strong and independant woman, wife and mother buuut I also love clintasha! Also I am not planning on doing a second part for this.

May Parker is alive but she is currently in Wakanda interning under a doctor to learn about Wakandas medical equipment so Peter currently lives with the Avengers in their compound.

Peter Parker knows sign language meaning he can understand Natashas and Clints conversations.

Third person:

The Avengers were currently watching a movie or more specifically a romance movie of an assassin and the assassins target while Steve was in the kitchen making dinner.

At first Tony didn't want Peter to watch the movie because it had weapons, blood, death, and inappropriate content but then he realised that Peter had already seen it all in real life, including the innapropriate content thanks to a link that tik tok sent him to but Tony doenst need to know that, so he just allowed him to watch the movie with them.

In the middle of the movie when it was revealed that the target was actually an assasin as well, Natasha smirked and signed something to Clint which made him return the smirk and sign something back which made Natasha smirk bigger and, unknow to the others, Peters face redder.

The agent duo kept signing to each other more durung the movie and since non of the avengers knew sign language they didnt think of it too much except for Peter.

Finally Peter had enough, at the scene where the two where 'in the bedroom' and Clint signed something to Natasha, Peter had enough.

He stood up and said "Thats it Im done with you two —" he pointed at Natasha and Clint "— flirting with eachother and if you dont stop I will make sure youll never watch movies with us again"

All the Avengers were shocked and most confused but for different reasons, the main reason was that Peter could speak sign language but the second and third were along the lines of 'Natasha and Clint were flirting?' and 'Shit Peter understood all that!'

Nat and Clint sat there flustered, well as flustered as the Black Widow can be.

"Kid, what do you mean by flirting?" Tony asked with a little confused but smug face.

"What I mean is these two wont stop flirting with each other with words you shouldn't even know as an adult!" Peter said pointing accusingly at the two agents.

"And how do you know these words?" Clint asked with a smirk thinking he would win this.

"Bitch I listen to music." Peter answered not missing a beat.

"Fair enough," Clint replied raising his hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay now lets get back to that flirting part," Tony started again wanting to know the tea or in his case coffee.

"They were constantly making dirty jokes and also referenced to Budapest, which I now feel like I don't want to know about-" Peter was cut off by Bucky asking "Can you tell us something quote on quote that they said earlier?"

"Uhh sure i guess.." Peter asked awkwardly.

After a few seconds of thinking Peter took a breath.

"While they were having sex in the film Clint has signed to Natasha 'Wanna recreate that but more Budapest style, I know u still got that outfit." Peter said nervously.

There was a second of silents until Tony decided to break it.



"So can you tell us what happened in Budapest, now?" Tony asked while looking straight into Natasha's eyes.

"No!" Natasha and Clint said at the same time.

Tony just rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

"Lets just continue watching the movie but don't worry well talk about this next Wednesday when its team bonding." Tony said before turning the movie on again which F.R.I.D.A.Y. had paused when Peter first spoke.

Natasha and Clint groaned on the inside knowing that Wednesday was going to be horrible but decided to go back to watching the movie for now.

Word count: 686
Published: ?
Edited last: 21. November 2021

Peter Parker one shots [+Avengers]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz