• Never have I ever •

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A/N: Enjoy a short shit story that I was too lazy to write, proof read or finish properly!

May Parker is currently in Wakanda interning under a doctor to learn about Wakandas medical equipment while Peter is living with the Avengers at their compound.

The Avengers are playing never have I ever while camping.

Third person:

All of the Avengers were currently seated around the campfire making marshmallows or being bored out of their minds unaware of the fact that today night would be their doom.

"Why dont we.. play never have I ever!" Tony exclaimed while looking at his bag.

"Thats sounds fun, Im in!" Peter exclaimed exitedly which was followed by some "sure"s and "why not"s from the other Avengers.

When they all had their attention turned to Tony he suddenly pulled out 5 bottles of alchohol.

The avengers all groned which was followed by "And thats my cute to leave," from Peter as he stood up and walked to his tent.

"Looks like he was 'in' after all, anyways you guys interested in playing with alcohol?" Tony asked while reading the alcohol labels, If he was honest he just grabbed the most random alcohol off the shelf.

"Oh god, sure." Nat said while shacking her head slightly to the sides.

"Perfect! The rules are simple, you have to say never have I ever "something something" for example never have I ever sweared" — Tony said looking straight at Steve which earned a few laughs from the group — "and If you have you have to take a sip of alcohol but if you haven't you don't have to!" Tony finished while passing a few bottles around.

"Everyone understand?" Tony asked again.

"Yeah, yeah lets just start!" Sam said exited to squeeze the truth out of people like squeezing lemon juicy out of a lemon, sometimes difficult but at the end you get the lemon juice.

"Ill start then, never have I ever" — Tony said pausing for a second to think and then continuing — "stolen from an expensive store?"

There were a few seconds of no movement before Nat and Clint reached out to get a bottle which was followed by Bucky.

They all took a sip.

"Im going to assume because your agents, you have had to stole stuff and you have also stole stuff because of Winter, right?" Wanda asked to which the mention people nodded their heads.

"I guess Ill go next," Sam said before being cut off by Clint saying "Think of something actually good unlike Mr Not-Genius-Enough-To-Ask-Something-Interesting,".

"As if you could do better birdbrain," Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Ill have you know I can, never have I ever slept with the same gender!" Clint said grinning.

"I thought I was supposed to go, whatever" Sam muttered under his breath.

Nat and Tony took a sip which is not a big surprise because Nat is an agent and Tony is a bisexual playboy but what was a surprise was a to see the Captain America and the Winter Soldier to take a sip, keep in mind that when they grew up being gay was strictly forbidden.

The team stared at the two super soldiers waiting for answers but after realising they wont get them made a plan, by sharing a flew glances, to find out the tea.

"Never have I ever been in a long term relationship with the same gender?" Sam asked with nothing better to ask.

This time only Steve and Bucky took a sip.

"Never have I ever been called dad?" Steve asked after realising what might be happening and trying to change the topic.

Clint and Scott took a sip and then a few seconds after Tony took a sip while smiling fondly at the memory of Peter accidentally calling him dad.

"Aww, that's adorable! I need to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y. to send me footage of that!" Wanda exclaimed knowing full well she could just hop into Tonys mind.

"Never have I ever been beat up in an alleyway?" Pietro asked suddenly coming out of his tent.

Nobody took a sip and as Wanda was about to ask something else Bucky interrupted.

"Ah, ah, ah, Stevie I noticed you didn't take a sip." Bucky smirked at Steve.

"Damn it, Buck." Steve glared at him while taking a sip while others burst out laughing.

After that everyone started to slowly go into their tents to sleep.

Nobody found out was going on between the two 100 year olds.. well nobody except for the spiderling who had skipped the game.

Lets just say that he has a reason why he stays away from Steve and Bucky when they are alone.

Word count: 795
Published: ?
Edited last: 4. January 2022

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