Chapter 5

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Free: well this is cute?

Free interupted their conversation, the two turn their heads to free leaning on the door with a grin on his face.

Shu: ah.. master free, what are you doing here?

Free: well a little birdy told me that a dog was going on a rampage so I checked it out but it seems that everything is fine now.

Lui: who the hell are you calling a dog!?

Free: hmm let me think.. kerby?

Lui: who the fuck is that!?

Free: the dog that was with Shu who went on and wrecked our door last month?

Shu: please stop fighting

Lui: and who are you to tell me to stop?

Shu: your maid who you wanted to make more of his home made black coffee.

Free: ohh

Lui: shut up! Just clean some windows or something already!

Shu: already done it twice, whats next?

Lui: uhh go make me something to eat!!

Shu: but im a maid not a chef..

Lui: who cares! If you cant do it you're not even worthy of being in my sight!

Free: just tell the cook to make something for this whiny ass Shu.

Lui: no!! I want to taste his cooking!!

Free: 'sigh' just do it Shu or else he'll go on another rampage.

Shu: o-okay..

Shu ran to the kitchen in the cafeteria and proceeded in doing his magic, he took pasta and tomato sauce from the shelf as he boiled water and put the pasta in,

Shu: hope he'll enjoy this.

Time skip

An hour later, shu finally finished making the pasta along with the sauce, he took a scoop of the sauce from a pot and put it on top of the pasta, he put shredded cheese on top before taking some new baked garlic bread he found just laying on the table, he sliced it into pieces and took 2 of them then placed it neatly beside the pasta.

He made an identical serving for free also just in case, he carried the two plates on his hand and made his way back to his masters room, he prayed that Lui would enjoy the food or else he'll be killed before he could even know where valt is.

The walk to his masters room was fortunately peaceful, he looked at the clock on the wall and his eyes widened because he didn't know he spent an hour and a half in the kitchen, he was sure he'll die this time, he took a deep breath before placing one plate down on a table nearby, knocking and opening the doors to see Lui and free just doing their usual jobs,

Shu was confused but he payed it no mind and took the plate he let down a minute ago,

Shu: master lui, master free here's the food.

He placed it down on the table in the center of the room before sitting in the corner, Lui turned his head and cocked and eyebrow before saying

Lui: oh.. actually forgot about that.

Free: you're the one who made him cook for you yet you don't remember?

Lui: oh shut up! And shu, if this tastes bad I'll really kill you just you wait.

Free: he's just bluffing shu pay no mind to his words.

Shu nodded and hugged his knees closing his eyes, free and Lui sat down on the couch and picked up their plates and took a bite, the another, then another, then another till they finished the entire plate,

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