Gone Fishing ~ Marina

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"Maya! Do we really have to go?" Carina pouted from the passenger seat of the car.
"It'll be so much fun! You're gonna enjoy yourself." Maya reached over and took her wife's hand in her's.
"If you say so." Carina muttered, not loud enough for Maya to hear.

Thirty minuets later, they had arrived at the lake.
Maya had taken a few days off work, a rarity for her, and declared that she was going to take Carina fishing.
"Come on babe! Let's go look at our cabin!" Maya said excitedly.
"Oh thank God. I thought we would be sleeping on the ground." Carina breathed out as they walked up to the building.
"I'm already torturing you enough by taking you fishing. I figured I could at least give you a cabin." Maya smiled at Carina as she unlocked the front door.
"Home sweet home for the next four days."
"It's wonderful bambina. I think we should break it in, no?" Carina wrapped her arms around Maya from behind.

"Fishing first! Sex later." Maya turned in her wife's arms and kissed her nose.
"Fine." Carina pouted.

"You want me to get on that thing? Do you even know how to drive a boat?" Carina asked as Maya climbed on the jon boat that she had rented for their stay.
"Yes dear." Maya replied.
"Is it safe?"
"Yes dear." Maya rolled her eyes with a smile as she arranged their fishing poles and other items in the boat.

"You won't let me drown will you?"
"No dear. I got you a life jacket."
"I think I changed my mind. I'm going to go back to the cabin and-"
"Really? You don't want to go fishing with me?" Maya's face fell, and Carina couldn't help but feel bad.
"No it's fine. Go read your book love. I understand." Maya gave her a sad smile and turned her back and kept arranging the items she had brought.
Maya felt the boat sink down slightly, and come back up. She turned and smiled when she saw Carina in the boat, holding onto the sides for dear life.
"I knew you couldn't resist the pout." Maya smiled and moved over to her wife to put the life jacket on her.
"Oh hush. You owe me lots of sex later."
"Anything you want baby girl." Maya kissed her forehead and moved behind Carina.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm starting the boat." Maya said as she pulled the cord back on the trolling motor, and the quiet hum of the small propellers filled the air.

Maya drove the boat to the middle of the lake and turned off the motor, releasing the small anchor down.
"So, what now?" Carina asked as she eyed the water.
"I'll fix your pole for you." Maya gently moved to the other side of the boat and pulled out the hot pink fishing pole she had bought Carina.
"Can you hand me that bag?" Maya asked as she put the pole together.
"Sì." Carina reached down and grabbed the plastic bag, setting it in front of Maya.
"What bait do you want?"
"There's different kind?"
"I brought worms, chicken, and shrimp."

"Uh. you choose. You're not going to make me touch that stuff, are you?" Carina asked nervously.
"No baby. I'll always bait your hook for you." Maya said with a laugh as she easily latched the worm to the hook.

"Here babe." Maya handed Carina the pole, and started setting her pole out.
Carina set the hook down in the water, and waited.

"Carina have you- what are you doing?" Maya asked as she turned to face her girlfriend.
"Uh, I'm fishing? Duh." Carina rolled her eyes.
"Let me help you. Pick up your pole." Maya laughed and moved to sit behind Carina.

"You're gonna take it over your shoulder like this, and press and hold that button. Keep a tight hold onto the pole. Now gonna bring it forward... let go of the button."

Carina released the button on the reel, and the line went flying.
"Oh! I did it bambina!" Carina said excitedly.
"Yes you did babe. Now just watch that bobber, and if it goes down, yank up hard. Got it?"
"Sì Capitana." Carina saluted Maya with a goofy smile.
"God, I love you." Maya laughed and turned to fix her pole.

An hour went by, and Carina was starting to get frustrated.
"Bambina, I don't think we're going to catch anything."
"Just be patient my love."
"How can I be patient when I'm sweating in the hot sun in the middle of a lake." Carina pouted.
"I love you." Maya turned and flashed her that award winning smile.
"You're lucky that I love you." Carina stuck her tongue out at her wife.

She turned her attention back to the water, and saw her bobber going up and down.
"Maya! Look!"
"Pull! Pull your pole up and reel!" Maya exclaimed.

Carina yanked her pole up and started reeling in as fast as she could.
"Keep going babe! He's almost to the boat!" Maya shouted excitedly.
"I'm going!"

Maya reached down in the water and grabbed the fish.
"You did it babe! Look at him." Maya turned and showed Carina.
"I'm sorry for catching you, pesce piccolo." Carina told the fish.

Maya took the hook out, and went to place the fish in the live well.
"Wait! I want a picture! Say cheese!" Carina smiled as she took a selfie of the two of them with Maya holding the fish up.
"Ha! I caught one before you!" Carina stuck her tongue out at Maya.
"Because I let you."
"Don't lie just because you're mad." Carina stood up and started to walk over to Maya.
"Baby don't!"

Carina lost her balance and fell in the water.
She popped right back above the surface, mostly due to the life jacket she was wearing.
"Are you freaking kidding me!" Carina shouted.
"Are you okay baby?" Maya asked, trying not to laugh.
"No! I'm in the freaking lake with all the fish and God knows what else! Help me back on the boat!" Carina cried out.
"I gotta take us back to land. If I try to get you on the boat, it'll tip and we'll lose everything. Grab onto the side and hold on tight."
Maya reached back and pulled the string on the troller motor, making the boat pick up a slow speed.

Maya could here Carina muttering in Italian as they got closer and closer to land.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked as she quickly hopped off the boat and pulled Carina up.
"Do I look okay! I'm soaking wet!" Carina slapped her hands on her thighs, water splashing everywhere.
"You look fantastic." Maya laughed.
"Oh really? Since I look so fantastic come here and give me a hug." Carina held her arms out and made her way towards her wife.
"Oh no you don't! Just cause you're soaking wet doesn't mean I have to be!" Maya laughed and backed up.
"Come here!" Carina quickly grabbed Maya's arm and pulled her into the water, making the blonde go under.
"Shit!" Maya gasped as she popped back up.
"Now you look fantastico." Carina grinned as she wrapped her arms around her wife's neck.
"You are crazy, Carina DeLuca Bishop." Maya smiled as she kissed her.
"Crazy for you, Maya DeLuca Bishop."

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