Marina/Andy ~ It's Always Good To See You

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AN: If you're not comfortable with smut, I suggest skipping this one shot.
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"Thanks for coming over." Maya said with a smile opening the door wider for Carina to walk into her apartment.
"Thank you for inviting me over. Did you really tell your chief to give your Captain rank to your friend? What was her name again?"

"Andy," Maya responded handing her a glass of wine and leading her to the couch. "Andy Herrera, and yes I did. I wasn't a Lieutenant for long. She deserves it."
"So what happened?" Carina cuddling with her and sipping her glass. "Are you a Lieutenant now?"
Maya snorted. "You pronounced that wrong but it's cute."
"Judge me when you can speak more than one language." Carina teased.

Maya laughed. "Touché. He said he would take it under advisement and Andy told me to just stick with it, be a good Captain and that she would earn that rank on her own not because I gave it to her."
"And how do you feel about that?"
Maya sighed. "It has gone a lot better since I've had Andy's support."
"Mm. Well I like thinking of you as a Captain. You are so sexy when you boss everyone around."

Maya hummed and moved on top of Carina so she was straddling her. "Do you want me to boss you around?"
Carina moaned quietly and leaned her head back so that Maya could kiss her neck. "Anything you want my love."

Maya dragged her teeth down Carina's neck, then moved up and gently nibbled on her ear.
"Maya." Carina moaned digging her nails into Maya's thighs.
"What I want you to do," Maya purred seductively into Carina's ear, "is bend over..."
A knock on the door interrupted them and Maya groaned in annoyance.

"Very inconvenience," Carina said.

"Inconvenient," Maya corrected climbing off of Carina and walking to the door. "We will finish this as soon as I get rid of them."

She opened the door and blinked in surprise. "Andy?"

"Hey," Andy said looking at her with tears rolling down her face. "Can I come in?"
Maya opened the door for her, "Of course."

"I'm sorry for showing up unannounced," Andy said. "I just, need a friend and Ryan is dead so..."
Maya draped an arm across her shoulders. "Hey, I'm here. I'm always here."
Andy paused when she saw Carina sitting on the couch sipping her wine. "Oh, you have company, I can leave..."
"No no," Maya said pulling her to the couch and sitting her down. "You need a friend and I'm that friend."

"I can go." Carina offered.
"No," Andy said. "Please stay. I just need to be around people."
"This is Dr. Carina DeLuca," Maya said. "My gi...uh, friend."
Carina smiled at Maya then extended a hand to Andy. "Nice to meet you."

Andy shook it and said, "Andy Herrera."
"What's going on Andy?" Maya said pouring a glass of wine for Andy and handing it to her.
"Too much to talk about," Andy said taking a large gulp of her wine. "Ryan, my dad's cancer, Robert being too goddamn chicken to be with me. I just wanna forget about it...without sleeping with Jack."

"He still loves you so it's better if you don't," Maya said rubbing her back.
"He does?" Andy asked. "But you two were together."
"That was just mindless Andy, sometimes when he was with me he would say your name," Maya said.
Andy looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you fucking serious?"

Maya nodded. "Why do you think it was so easy for me to break up with him?"
"Ok, well I won't be sleeping with him anymore," Andy said.
"You did have the right idea though," Carina added making both firefighters turn to her. "I studied the effect of orgasms on the female body and it is proven that it is a natural pain reliever."

"Pain reliever?" Andy said.
"Well damn." Maya laughed.
"But if there's emotions involved it might not be as effective." Carina said.
"So you're saying I should have sex with someone I feel absolutely nothing for?" Andy said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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