How To Have A 10 Minute Relationship

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"Here." Bink tossed a hard brown lump at Toot's direction.

"hum?What's that?"

"Horse poop! Only the finest for my new chick , eh?" Toot turned a darker shade of brown and gobbled up the poop without chewing(not that he had any teeth to chew with in the first place). Shortly after the steamy session the new couple had rolled behind the mouldy rock where they did some business and showed their true feelings through physical bonding. Toot had lost half of his body as a result and Bink was covered in Toot but that was okay since Toot stuffed himself with more poop.

A serene mesmerising sound abruptly drifted into the cave, For some reason the heavy downpour of pig waste stopped like some cheesy typical movie. As the couple peered out of the cave curiously and squinted through the thick fog, Bink made out a shape of a bowl with two toilet plungers on the bowl's two sides, like two ponytails. The bowl was tall, slim and slender and Bink watched, entranced as the mysterious bowl waddled gracefully(not really) towards the entrance of the cave.

Toot stared at Bink in horror as he approached the bowl, practically kneeling all the way down (well as far as a rounded fat bowl could) and kissed the bowl's nonexistent feet. "UUUHMAMAMAMUHHH MUHH BEEAUTTAYY CMEREE HONAAAYYY" Bink barely managed to form a proper sentence as he knelt before the bowl beauty, starstruck. "Be my spouse , my beautiful stinky beloved bowl, let us travel through the lands and i shall give you the finest unicorns' poop to eat, i will give you the best............ my soulmate.."

The bowl smiled at Bink seducively and leaned down. Toot trembled as he attempted to process little of what was happening before his very eyes with his brain the size of a mere pea, his lover of 15 minutes currently proposing to someone whom they never knew existed until 10 seconds ago.

Suddenly a round of laughter surrounded through the lands. Confusion swept across Toot and Bink but the bowl was laughing a a hyena on cocaine. " Dude you just got PUNK'D !!!! Good luck on getting back your lover you bean heads," cackled the bowl as she waddled away, after slapping Bink with her plunger," this episode is gonna be BIG on MTV man. BURN, you retarded bowl, BURN." and she disappeared in a flush and a gurgle.

Toot glared at Bink bitterly as he gaped at where the bowl had disappeared, a disbelieving look on his face.

"YOU D*CK" shrieked Toot.


"I loved you." sniffed Toot. "but we were never made for each other..... ... we're like fire and rain..... you can drive me insane.....but i cant stay mad at you for anything........we're like different stars, we're worlds apart but you're the harmony to every song i sing......"

" I hate camp rock and you know it!" shrieked Bink.

" I JUST MET YOU LIKE 40 MINUTES AGO, AND ITS CAMP STAR. If you get technical." snapped Toot, " YOU KNOW WHAT? we're over! I don't need your dang help to get the hoot. i can get it myself! " and gathering what was left of his pride, poor toot sniffed and hopped on a egg shaped hovercraft that was conveniently lying aside. "GOOD DAY!!!" and Toot released some diarrhoea from his hole on poured it into an astonished Bink, before whizzing off towards the clouds.


I'm sorry if it's a crappy chapter gahhh you know the only reason why I'm still writing this is cos my sister is forcing me to and it would seem stupid to quit halfway. I look forward to the day where get 50 reads. hahah. maybe never.

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