49. We are not ok.

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"It's been two days." Hugh mutters. "When will this wear off? She's in and out all the time... I don't how much longer I can take this."

"Take this?" Jacob scoffs. "What? You'll just give up on her?"

Hugh rolls his eyes. "That's not what I meant."

"No! When things get tough you walk away. It's what you do. You've done that my whole life!" Jacob exclaims.

"J." Candice warns.

"Jacob, just calm down." Hugh says.

"No!" He exclaims. "If you're giving up on her leave now. She doesn't need people around pretending to be there for her. She's been through enough. You shouldn't get to just be here for the good parts... you need to be here and support her when she's hallucinating too. Either you're all in or all out... just like everyone else is." Jacob explains pointing his arm around to everyone in the waiting room.

Hugh grabs his jacket before leaving the waiting room. He leaves the hospital doors.

Jacob sits back down beside Candice, resting his head in his hands realising he took it too far.

"It's Detective Carmen here again, Audrey. Remember, I came to see you yesterday?" She asks walking closer to Audrey's bed.

Audrey lays stiff, her hands strapped to the bed. She blinks every now and then, this was her good time- believe it or not... when she was quiet and just listened to what people had to say. Sometimes she'd respond with single words... but mostly she just stayed quiet.

But the bad times... were bad. She would kick and scream, cry and yell... to see it- it's traumatising.

It was the same with all the three of the girls.

Emma rarely had any fits... she mostly stayed quiet.

However, Audrey and Sophie were much different.

"I was hoping we could talk." Carmen explains. "Can we talk?"

Audrey shakes her head. "I-I don't want-want to talk."

Carmen nods her head, glad she got some words from Audrey. It may have only been five words but that was five more than it has been for the past two days.

"That's ok." Carmen agrees. "Would you like to see Emma or maybe Sophie?"

"No! Please no!" Audrey exclaims slipping into an episode.

"It's ok, that's ok. You don't have to." Carmen explains calmly.

Audrey begins to stir. "Please! Please no, I don't want to see them!"

The nurses walk into the room. "Audrey, stay calm. You're in the hospital." He explains.

"No, they'll be mad at me! They'll hate me!" Audrey cries. "I hurt them... he made me!" She sobs.

"Audrey, calm down. It's ok." Carmen says.

"I'm sorry!" Audrey cries. "He made me! I'm sorry, Sophie. I'm sorry, Emma. I don't want to see them! I hurt them! He made me pick!" She begins to shake.

"Hey Audrey, this will calm you down. Ok?" The nurse warns.

"No, no more! I can't- it makes me- no please." Audrey cries. "I'll be good. I'll obey you!"

The Doctor sedates her and she slowly closes her eyes.

"Do they have to keep doing that?" Jake sighs turning his back to the hospital room.

"I guess they don't really have a choice." Collin says.

Braxton shakes his head. "They have to. There's no other way... other wise they'll get aggressive... maybe smash windows."

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