1. 6 families means 6 times the drama.

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A Few Days Later

"I can drive today, right?" Audrey asks her Mom. 

"As long as you are home not too late." Carol says. 

Audrey nods, she kisses her Mother's cheek. "Bye." 

"Noah, come on!" Audrey exclaims grabbing the car keys. 

Audrey rushes outside. 

"Audrey!" Braxton exclaims. 

Audrey frowns and turns around. 

"Did you get my email?" Braxton asks. 

"Yeah, I put it with mine and sent it to Mr Keller." Audrey says and starts walking. 

"You didn't let me proof read it?" Braxton frowns. 

"I proof read it." 

"How do I know you're a good proof reader?" Braxton chuckles. 

"I just am." Audrey shrugs and walks away. 

"Good run boys." Coach Jones claps. "I'll see you all on the court right after school, be prepared to work hard." 

All the boys start to leave. Jake walks over to the Coach. 


"Mills." Coach raises an eyebrow. 

"Principle Nelson told me I had to get a tutor or else I can't play. So I'm have to miss the start of practice today." Jake sighs. 

"Principle Nelson filled me in on everything. Get your grades up so you can play, Mills." 

Jake nods and starts walking away. 

"Bad news." Violet sighs sitting down at the lunch table. 

"What?" Audrey asks. 

"Today's my last day." Violet pouts.

"I thought you had a week?" Audrey frowns. 

"Mom and Dad want to explore California before their jobs start." Violet mocks. 

"You're leaving today?" 

"Tomorrow, I'll be packing all day." Violet sighs. 

"I may be able to come help." 

"You'll skip?" Violet asks. 

"I might." Audrey shrugs. 

"Kelly! Strong kicks! I'm not taking no half ass kick. From the top!" Sophie exclaims. 

Braxton walks in and leans against the wall. 

Sophie frowns, "Keep going girls." 

Sophie walks over to Braxton. 

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" 

"Practice is starting in 15 minutes." Braxton shrugs. 

"Exactly, we have another 13 minutes left here and these girls don't do well with an audience." Sophie says. 

"You're cheerleaders." Braxton frowns. 

"They don't do well with people watching them during practice." Sophie says and turns around to the girls. 

"Kelly! Seriously! Stand behind, Emma." Sophie rolls her eyes and turns back to Braxton. 

"See." Sophie says putting her hands on her waist. 

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