Part 10

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Hello there ! I have finally finished the raw draft and here is the next chapter (with smut !). There are two chapters left and I will try to update every week.
Enjoy !

Thor didn't ask any more questions. Thor had learned at a very young age that you had to seize the moment before it might be taken away from you. Which is why he answered Loki's unexpected attack by shoving his tongue down Loki's mouth the same way Loki did with his.
"I am dreaming," He thought "I am dreaming, I will wake up any minute, I am dreaming, and I'll be back there in the..."

The bathroom. The bloody window. The dark hole. The nothingness and the screams.
No, no, no, no,no.

His mother was safe and happy with a decent (though larger-than-life, with a heavy luggage) man on an island under the sun. He was with the most beautiful boy he ever had laid eyes on (who had thrown the bath towel on the other side of the room and was now struggling with his belt while straddling Thor). He was in heaven. Safe. Everything he ever wanted. Though he had no idea what made Loki change his mind and finally make the move.
Thor chuckled and dealt with the buckle while Loki gave up (his fingers were too shaky). Instead Loki raised his arms and lifted his school sweater and shirt in one gesture, thinking oddly that this conformist piece of uniform was his last shred of innocence, or rather of childishness. He was now naked to the waist and ... Still on Thor who had dealt with the belt... Great, now how was he going to get out of his pants ? Thor chuckled.
"Here, let me help."
By lifting one leg and then the other, they managed to free Loki, rather awkwardly. Now, he only had his rather plain underwear that made him look like a boy grown too fast. Sitting upon Thor's glorious naked shape, he felt simply... ridiculous. Thin and lanky. Like this, his fire and confidence was gone.
Luckily, Thor was now an expert on reading Loki's moods. He quickly shifted and reversed positions. Before Loki knew it, he was on the bed with Thor and his gorgeous abs on him. He had always been conscious of Thor's size, that he was really strong and not even because of his training. And it was only normal that the whole school was after him. He was out of Loki's league, out of everyone's league. Loki felt hot, with want, with shame, with pride, with self pity... Not knowing what to do anymore. Feeling stupid in a whole. He turned his face to the side. Thor's blue eyes seemed to be a double spear. It was unbearable...
Thor smiled but didn't let Loki dwell on his self-pity. He attacked his offered prey with the same vigor Loki had previously displayed. He didn't waste any time since Loki was taking a step back again.
"Please, not now Loki... Do you know how long I've been waiting for this ?"
He almost ripped off the modest underwear and scratched Loki's thigh on the way ("Ow ! Thor ! Careful !"). There was nothing in the way of his love right now. Loki might not be a beef like Thor but he had a flawless skin (Thor had too many scars because of... no,no, no, not now) and eyes that sparkled like the ones of a mischievous cat. He had been the faraway dream and now he felt like the proverbial kid that have been locked in the bakery. Too many things happening all at once. Where to begin ?
After a shower of caresses and kisses, Thor decided to do the direct approach.


"THOR ?!?"
"What are you doing ... ? Get your mouth off..."
" Oh no, no ! Stop it ! I'll... "
"No, please ! I'm going to..."
"Oh, THOR !"


Thor wiped his mouth. That was quick. He wasn't even sure he did it correctly. IF there was a correct way. Loki was looking at him, both angry and confused.
"You could have warned first !
-Like what ?" Thor chuckled, " 'Hey, brother, I'm going to suck your...
Loki brutally held his hand to Thor's mouth. He looked panicked.
- Mwha' ?!?
- Don't.
Loki pulled his hand back, head down.
- "Don't" what ?
- Don't call me "brother." Just don't.
Thor shivered. Indeed, it was indeed a scary word.
-In that case, let's invent some other words...
He started on Loki again. He felt so hard it hurt. Loki put his arms around Thor. He was still sensitive from the first attempt. He felt less and less modest by the second.
- Like what ?
Thor went down.
- Like "lover" ?
Loki shook all over as Thor continued his careful ministrations. Wondering if he would survive this night...

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