Part 11

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And now the rest ladies and fentlemen, enjoy !

Loki felt his blood turning cold and something like lead pouring in his stomach. The atmosphere had turned from lovey-dovey to incredibly tense in a few seconds. Loki wished he could turn to that warm fuzzy feeling from seconds ago, just before he mentioned the card.
" The card, Thor." His voice was starting to tremble as Thor's expression was more and more confused, he hated it, "The card you left at my place at the wedding table, remember ?" It became event more weak and pleading. "Please... Remember ?"
Thor opened and closed his mouth. His thoughts in disarray.
- Loki, I swear I never left any card at any place anywhere ! What the hell are you talking about ?!
Loki's heart seemed ready to jump out of his chest. He ran to his desk. In the top drawer, he had kept this precious item, away from any prying eyes. He found the cream envelope. He ran back to the bed.
- Look, see ? Remember now ?
Thor looked at the envelope as if it was a snake or a bomb. He unconsciously shrank back. He didn't reach for the piece of paper.
- Loki, I never saw this in my whole life.
Loki's heart sank in his chest.
- I swear, Loki, I would remember if I ever did it !
Thor was panicking now. Loki's mind was going in every direction. If not Thor then WHO ?! He shoved the envelope into Thor's hand.
- Please Thor, look at the card !
Thor looked at Loki then at the crumpled piece of cream paper. He carefully opened it, pulled out the card and looked at it.

Then he turned white, then green then blue, then gray... and his mouth opened like a dark crater.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! No, no, no, no, no, nooooo !!!!"

Loki jumped out of the bed, while Thor threw the card far away and crawled quickly to the other corner of the room. Hiding his face in his hands, Thor started banging the back of his head on the wall on the same rhythm he was wailing :"NO ! No ! No !"
Loki was on the edge of also losing it.
- Thor, PLEASE ! Stop it ! Stop it ! You're scaring me !!
He went to Thor and held him in his arms to prevent him from hurting himself any more. Thor curled into Loki's arms like a very young child. He was mumbling gibberish in a very tiny voice that made Loki's blood curdle.
"No, no, no, no, leave her... Take me... Who's daddy's brave little soldier ? .... Little Mama's boy... I'll show you... Spawn of Satan..."
That's how Loki knew who wrote the card.
"It cannot be..." Loki murmured. "He's supposed to be in jail..."
Thor finally raised crying bloodshot eyes to his lover.
"'I'll never stop loving you...' : That's the last thing he said to us... After the trial... They were dragging him back to jail... That's his words..."


It took them a long time to pass the shock and calm down. Thor was still trembling and Loki's loud heartbeat was in his ears. They needed to think and think fast.
"He must have had a parole, an hearing, something... Wasn't he supposed to be locked up for almost 10 more years ?...
Thor's voice croaked.
- With all that happened, Mom and I became careless. We took no notice... We were too happy, I guess. He was far away from our minds...
Loki bit his lip.
- Or maybe... He might have escaped... There are ways... I haven't checked the news around the states lately...
- He is the devil, Loki. He thinks he is some sort of messenger of God's words but he is nothing but a cunning demon. I should have known... Whatever means he employed, he found us. He will always find us.
Loki bit his thumb.
- Thor, he went to the wedding... He managed to sneak his way into a private ceremony and depose his damn card...
- He must have paid an extra to do it. That's easy and he is clever enough to do it smoothly.
- But why MY place ?! Why not yours or you mother's ?
Thor breathed.
- Loki, I never told you but there was a mix in places. Remember, you were sitting next to my mom and me next to your dad. In fact I saw that they got the labels wrong and mom's was on your plate... I put the labels back myself. He thought he was sending a message to mom to ruin her big day. It would have been a show, indeed, had she seen that piece of crap.

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