Vying: 2

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A kiffar female glared down at Tels and Kulan from the ramp, her turquoise facial tattoo twisted into a snarl. Her hazel eyes swept across the expansive area to land on an unimpressed Tels and a terrified Kulan. The kiffar strutted down the sheeted metal, her dreadlocks hit her back with each frightening step.

Stopping before Tels and Kulan, the kiffar gruffly introduced, "I'm Agent Bankole. My associates will explain the mission to you."

"Who'll we be working with?" asked Tels.

"I don't have time for this. Listen carefully, you don't ask questions and do as you're told," ordered the Agent, irritation etched across her umber face as she ordered her stormtroopers, "Take care of the rest."

Before Kulan could snap back, Tels put her hand onto his shoulder to quiet him. Her eyes darted to the women and men who were dressed in white armor that covered every inch of them. Four of the troopers followed Bankole's heel to the left wing of the landing pad. Leaving the lead stormtrooper to gesture for Kulan and Tels to follow in the opposite direction. Walking away from the mikkian and togruta, the stormtrooper removed their helmet to reveal a woman, her closely cropped hair swept back with sweat.

"I'm Trooper Vass Stolane and I'm here to inform you about the mission," explained Vass, her dark skin gleaned in the bright lights, "Agent Bankole is rough around the edges."

"Anything else?" hopefully inquired Kulan.

"Nope." answered Vass as she rounded a corner, "She's like any other ISB Agent, just cold."

"Wonderful," muttered Kulan under his breath.

Tels lightly smacked the back of Kulan's head. "You can't say that. We're stuck with them now."

Trooper Vass held her wrist up to a door to have it slide open to an empty room. A long, white table sat in the middle with eight seats around it, the walls were bare. Vass led the two to their seats and sat at the head of the table, setting her helmet down gently.

"Your mission is to assist Agent Bankole's team in gaining information about the growing Rebellion. There have been instances of Imperial Star Bases being attacked and raided," described Vass while she showed holograms of multiple planets, "The ambushes are small, but organized meaning they're growing in numbers. It's our job to eliminate the threat."

"When do we leave?" eagerly interjected Kulan.

Vass informed them, "The following day for this moon's day cycle. So in about twelve hours."

Tels propped her hands on her knee. "How many stormtroopers will we be working with?"

"There's five of us in total." clarified Vass, "Agent Bankole is incharge while I'm in second command."

The door slides open to reveal two more stormtroopers, each wearing blasters on their hips. Vass greeted them as they entered, indicating for them to remove their helmets. A man with braided hair stared at them with black eyes and towered over a woman with long black hair. Fox-shaped eyes hid behind the bangs that covered her inky orbs.

"This is Trooper Raeth Kogla," Vass mentions with a tilt to the man, "and this is Trooper Yarla Thon."

Both of the stormtroopers saluted Tels and Kulan in unison. Tels stood up while she pulled up Kulan to return it in one swift motion. A sense of dread bloomed in Tels' chest, but was vanquished from Vass' voice.

"That's enough." commanded Vass, "Everyone sit down because I need to recap previous missions."

Raeth and Yarla promptly took a seat on both sides of Vass and looked to her. Kulan tapped his foot as Tels clenched her jaw in the silence. Vass took this as her chance to lean against the table and think for a moment.

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