Perfidy: 18

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The hum of Captain Sheb'ika's engine thrummed through the halls and down to the heart of the ship. Spike lazily threw her arms over the back of the curved chair, Alta was propped up by her, and they chatted about their blaster collections. On the other side of the table, Krekor was debating with Dottie about gods know what, something possibly about time travel. Down the hall, Raeth was being chased by Clinker and Yarla, their feet slapping against the sturdy metal floor. A small droid was close on their heels.

Alta asked Spike, "Do you know what our next lead will be?"

"Not yet, the Commander says nothing until it's time to know." explained Spike, "He runs a tight ship. How well did you know the Agent and soldiers that ran off?"

"First and foremost, I believed they were kidnapped." described Alta, her words barely heard, "I know Agent Bankole from the Academy and I don't really know Kulan Jal and Tels Eto."

Spike tilted her head. "How do you know that they were kidnapped?"

"We were all knocked out by a gas, then they were gone," defended Alta.

Before Spike could pry further, Vass and Sheb'ika entered the area with grime expressions. Worry clouded Vass' eyes as Sheb'ika caught everyone's attention with one look. Both squads quieted down when Vass cleared her throat and tried to pick the right words.

Finally, Vass decided, "We have received news that there was a rebel amidst our ranks and it's our job to detain an officer. Commander Gaabenk Typhe is connected to freeing Wookiee slaves and is on the run. Admiral Rampart has given us coordinates to find Typhe and our hope is that this will lead us to the rebels."

Shock spread through Bankole's troopers like wildfire as their heart rates increased. In the moment Raeth nearly fell, but was caught by Yarla. In return, Sheb'ika gave the storm troopers a weird look mixed with confusion.

Sheb'ika demanded, "How do you know Typhe?"

"We worked with them on countless missions and have known each other for years. In our squad, we would consider Typhe as an old friend," confessed Vass with a steady voice.

Sheb'ika dictated and looked to Vass, "That doesn't matter now. Our mission is to capture the Commander and to find more information about the uprisings."

"We should be approaching Bespin soon and we should land in Cloud City in the next few hours. Be ready to go soon," announced Vass as she went to sit with Alta and Spike.

Sheb'ika glared at the sight of the soldiers and went back to his room. The usual buzz of everyone speaking lit up again and continued on. Soon enough the brown and white planet, Bespin, came into view. The stench of the gas planet could almost be smelled.


Smog spread through the mining colony named Cloud City for it's placement in the sky, above the tibanna gas tried to meet with the white clouds. Chattering of sentient beings, the footsteps of fellow storm troopers filled the landing pad as they emerged. A brief chill shot through Krekor even though he wore his armor.

A man greeted them with a charming smile, his coco eyes gazed past them to Sheb'ika, "Welcome to Cloud City. I am Mayor Lando Calrissian and at your service." His rich purple cape was slung across one shoulder, his white shirt stood out starkly against his dark complexion.

"We're here to pick up Commander Gaabenk Typhe. I was informed that he was here in Cloud City," sternly introduced Sheb'ika as his eyes narrowed on Lando.

"Now calm down, I know what you need. A nice meal and something to drink," reasoned Lando.

Sheb'ika snarled, "We did not come here for a vacation. We came here because there were reports of Commander Gaabenk Typhe being in Cloud City. Do you have him in custody?"

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