Inexorable: 28

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Tels sat comfortably in the pilot seat, Pascal was at her side with Frank deactivated. Pascal cleaned her blaster with her fingers scraping over the grooves of the handle. Azure beams of hyperspace flashed by as the ship flew through space.

Tels asked Pascal, "Do you know why we were sent on this supply run?"

"It's for some starship fuel needed for the X-Wings. The Tempest and Mothma were making a fuss about it," explained Pascal as her voice became strained.

"So, we're going to Garel?" pressed Tels, a smile pulling up the corners of her mouth.

Pascal rolled her eyes and gently snapped, "Yes, what do you think we're doing? Going there for a vacation?"

"You make it too easy to annoy you, Pascal," chuckled Tels.

Pascal leaned back in her seat, humor lit up her eyes. "Probably."

In the silence Tels spoke up, her voice hollow, "I miss him a lot. There are nights when I can't sleep. I replay that moment over and over without the ability to change it."

"There's nothing that you could've done. Kulan made his choice ages ago even if he didn't know it," comforted Pascal.

Tels nearly sobbed, "I wish that I did it all differently. I didn't do enough to help Kulan."

"There's no point of helping someone who can't be saved." advised Pascal as she reached for Tels. "I miss my stormtroopers, too. I wish it could've gone differently. They were my family after when I lost everything."

"I'm sorry for your losses," mumbled Tels.

"Don't apologize for something you didn't do." Pascal folded her arms and paused for a few seconds. "I had a sister. We would always fight about nothing, but we always had each other's backs. Kulan reminds me of her."

Tels wiped the tears from her eyes. "I hope you know, Pascal, that I'll always cover for you."

"Same here," replied Pascal.

Soon enough Tels pulled down a lever to slow the ship to a blue sphere, clouds wrapped their fingers across the green land. Yellow light reflected off the atmosphere from the nearby sun, giving Garel an airy glow. Tels piloted the ship as they grew nearer to the planet, her hands trembled from her nerves. It was their first official mission since they joined the Rebels. It was a fresh start for them all.

Sweat beaded Tels' forehead as the ship heated up from the impact of the atmosphere, wind shuttered the metal plates of the ship's siding. With practiced hands, Tels steered the ship to the towering mountain ranges below. Forests of oaks, ashes, and beeches flowered across the soft, grassy plains. The rich greens of oaks faded to the vibrant yellows of beeches. A light sense of relief flooded through Tels as she soared the sky, just like how it always did.

The ship fluttered in the descent sending Pascal from her seat as Frank jolted awake. The buzz of energy bolts slammed into them, alarms rang out from the damage done. Tels' fingers gripped the wheel tightly while she tried to keep the ship upright. Blue shots showered the ship, sending them closer to the hard ground.

Tels shouted over the noise, "We're going down! Brace for impact!"

"No-!" returned Pascal as she buckled herself in.

The flexible branches smacked against the windows in front of Tels, dirt and rocks were kicked up once the ship made contact, smoke loomed from the engines. Frank, Pascal, and Tels were jostled around in the cockpit, fires stretched across the backside of the ship. Tels slumped over in her seat, her body shaking from wheezing as heavy smoke filled the room.

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