ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟝: 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕠 ℍ𝕠𝕘𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤!

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A/N: Like the fanart? This chapter has been re-written!

Hermione's P.O.V:

The next morning I woke up with Blaise next to me, I couldn't help but smile. We've only been siblings for a few months and I love him and I know he loves me too. Best brother ever!

I shake him awake and he leaves my room to get ready. After my morning routine I go into my wardrobe unsure what to wear. I settled on ripped jeans and a red T-shirt with a denim jacket. I put on my red and white hightops. I put on my rose gold watch and matching earrings. After I'm done getting ready I go down for breakfast.

After breakfast we apparet to Kings Cross, this is where I decide I'm not ready for my friends to know, well at least not Harry and Ron, they would flip out. I use my new found metamorphmagus powers to change back into my Hermione look.

Blaise and mum go through the wall together and I go in after them. Mum and I said goodbye before she went with Blaise. I look around trying to find my friends. I see the red hair before anything and go towards it.

"Ginny! Ron! Harry!" I call and the three turn to me and all of them smile. Ginny runs up to me and we hug. "I missed you!" She said "You didn't write!" She pouts, pulling away. I give her a guilty look. "We were worried, Hermione, dear!" Mrs. Weasley says. "I'm sorry!" I say pouting as well, Harry and Ron laugh.

We say our goodbyes to the Weasleys and head to the train. We find an empty compartment and sit down. Luna and Neville come in for a visit but then leave. They were a couple I never expected but found perfect. Half way through the ride I decide I need to tell Ginny. "I'm going for a walk." I say. "Ginny wanna come?" I ask and she nods. She gets up, gives a small kiss to Harry and walks out with me.

We walk for a little while in silence while I try to figure out what to say. "So... What's going on?" Ginny asks, I raise an eyebrow and she smiles. "I know you, Mione, you're acting weird." She says, sounding worried. "Ok but you can't tell anyone, promise me, not even Harry or Ron." I say she frowns but nods. I take a deep breath.

"Ok so I've known this since I could understand anything but I never said anything because well I don't really know why I didn't say it but I'm adopted." I say all in one breath, Ginny stares at me in shock. "That means you could be a pureblood or halfblood!" She exclaims while I shush, I nod "i know, I am." I mutter. "WHAT!?" Ginny cries. "Shhhhhhhh" I hiss. "Blaise Zabini is my twin." I say and she just stares in shock.

"Wow, told her already?" I turn to look behind me and see Blaise and Malfoy. "Hey Blaise, and yes." I glance at Malfoy and he just stares at the floor, lost in thought. Probably thinking about how he was a brat for no reason. "Did you tell him?" I ask, nodding at Malfoy and Blaise nods. I sigh. "What? We agreed we could tell our friends if we wanted!" Blaise said, sounding offended. "I know, I know...I just wish you didn't tell him." I say. Malfoy looks up at that.

"Anyways we should get going, right Gin?" I look at her only to see her mouth and eyes wide open staring between me and Blaise. Blaise laughs. "I think you broke her." He says between laughs. "Oh shut up!" I snap, he laughs more as I grab Ginny's arm and drag her with me back to our compartment.

Ginny's P.O.V:

Hermione drags me back to our compartment by which time I've mostly let the thought of my best friend being a Zabini settle in my head. When we walk in Ron and Harry look up. "What's up with you?" Ron says to Hermione. I turn to look at her, she looks lost in thought. "Nothing, just thinking." She replies. We both sit down.

The rest of the ride is quiet, well, at least me and Mione are quiet. The boys are talking about quidditch. After about half an hour more we arrive and get off. We see Hagrid and wave, he smiles at us and waves back. We make our way towards the carriages and see people gasping and stepping backwards from them, mostly the year 7s. We push through to see what's going on and that's when I see it. The dragon is like horse. "Thestrals..." Harry says and I understand instantly. It's what we rode in year 4.

We all make our way to a carriage and find one with Luna and Neville. I look out the window to see more people inching towards the carriages and getting on. There was so much death last year I would be surprised if someone didn't see them.

I look over at Hermione who still looks lost in thought. I wonder what's going on with her, I hope she's ok. Taking in all the information is a lot. She's had a few months but still. I still don't get it though, she looks nothing like Zabini. But then again it could be a glamour charm.

Luna strikes up a conversation with me about the quibbler, I try to keep up with her talk about nargles and other odd creatures but I keep getting confused, but like usual Luna doesn't mind.

As we come to a stop I look over at Hermione, she looks better now. That's good. We get out of the carriage and we're led to the Great Hall. It looks good considering the last time I saw it it was in shambles. I did volunteer to help fix Hogwarts and so did Harry and Ron. I even saw Malfoy there, but I never got to see it when Hogwarts was completely fixed. We all sit down at the Gryffindor table and wait for the first years to walk in.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!


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