Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

"Is it enough now Kira?" Baji said

"Why are doing this Baji-kun? You're one of the founding members aren't you?"

"He and she is a founding member too" baji replied

Takemichi looked at me and kazutora

"I can't forget that day mid-summer"
Baji said

Baji started to talked about the past

.•♫•♬•10 minutes later•♬•♫•.

Kazutora almost killed Shinichiro-kun?

There is so many things I want to ask Baji but I can't because the three of them might recognize me

After 5 minutes Takemichi and the Chifuyu guy left the HQ

I approached Baji who was currently fitting the jacket

"Is that how the leader of Valhalla welcome his new members?"

"I'm a her"

"Oh you're a girl"

"I just want to ask you something"

"Go on"

"How did you know it was me?"

"Easy the mask and your eyes"

"Guess I can't keep a secret away from you"

"Pfft Kira I know you since we are kids so I can easily recognize you"

"What are we gonna do with Kisaki?"

"I'll-" he was cut off by Hanma shouting

"Oi Y/n where the hell are you?!"

"Coming~, Bye Baji~"

Me and Hanma are on our way home but we accidentally crossed paths with Ran and Rindou

"Y/n go" Hanma said with a serious tone


"Then hide behind me"

I do what I was told

"Hanma" Ran said creepily

"What's your problem?"

"Kira, we need our sister back"

"It's not my fault that Kira left your house"

"Shut up and give Kira to us" Rindou commanded

"No, she's my baby I will not give her to the two of you"

"What's that on you're back?" Ran said noticing me

They pushed Hanma's back and caught me

"Crap Y/n RUN!!!" Hanma shouted but I was pushed into a car

Hanma's POV

Y/n was pushed into a car

I tried to catch up but the car was to fast

"If you want to get Kira back, Defeat Toman in October 31" The guy in braids said and they dashed

I gone to the HQ and announced the fight against Toman

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