Chapter 10

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Takemichi's POV

I'm back in the future

I'm on my way to Naoto's office

"Any leads?"

"Yes about this persons named Akumu and Draken"

"Draken?, Akumu?"

"Draken is currently in the death row because of murder"

"Draken, Can't do that!"

We go to the jail to meet Draken



"What happened?"

"I committed murder"

"No, I mean what happened in the past, Why Mikey is doing this all?"

"It's because we broke our promise to Y/n,  her name is now Akumu"

"What promise?"

"You were there, Y/n told us to forget all our memories about her"


"She joined Kisaki, They are now married with two kids" (Sorry y'all)


"We had a rematch with Valhalla, you seen how much Y/n protected Kisaki, he even hugged her in front of the whole Toman"

"There's no way Y/n will do that, she's loyal to their relationship with Mikey"

"Believe it or not she did that, She is now the past Y/n, Akumu"

"Where can I meet her?"

"She is always spotted in Baji's Pet store"


"Take care Takemichi, she's not Y/n"

We left Draken to go to Baji's pet store

There's Y/n, Baji... Kisaki?!

"Oh Takemichi, What's up?" Baji said noticing me

"May I talk to Y/n?" I said and looked at Kisaki

"Yes, Of course" he responded


"What's up?"

"Y/n no Akumu, What happened?"

"You all didn't accomplished your promise, you still cared about me in the rematch"

"But Akumu, Didn't you love Mikey?, I know you had been hurt seeing Mikey suffering"

"No I didn't, instead I became satisfied with seeing Mikey in that state"

Kisaki appeared behind Y/n's back

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing Kisaki"

"It's getting late me and Kisaki are going to a meeting after this, Goodbye Takemichi"

We come back to Naoto's office

"There's no way Y/n won't do all of this!, Naoto give me your hand!" I said pissed

My mission is to save Y/n from joining Kisaki

Shortly dorky
Word count 347

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