Chapter 30

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Takemichi's POV

I chased Y/n and the rain started to pour again, I looked around and there is no trace of Y/n

I asked the people if they seen Y/n and they answered me that she go to the Sea paradise

"I will give my blessing to the both of you" Y/n's voice echoes to my head and a image of her in the ground covered in blood flashed to my mind

I spotted Y/n playing with the little fish, I was about to approach her but a masked guy comes to her and hugged her

"Maybe they are only just siblings, like Emma and Mikey" I said and remembered Y/n never told me she was a only child, so I followed them

"That's suspicious of her" Senju said


"Shh we might get caught" She placed her hand on my lips and I removed it immediately and watched to Y/n

Y/n's POV.

*Before Takemichi chased her*

"Sorry to disturb you at this time, Sanzu"

"No I don't really mind it"

"Can you please spend the night with me?"


*back to the POV*

"You want some snacks?" Sanzu asked


"Okay wait here" he placed his bag on the table and go to the store

He's super sweet and clingy today odd but cute

Takemichi's POV

"The boy's name is Sanzu" Takeomi said

"He's approaching Y/n" Senju said and we watched them

She tiptoed and kissed his cheek, they sit and we sat on the nearest table

"Ahh" Y/n said and Sanzu removed his mask and shoved the spoon in his mouth, he did the same to Y/n

"You have something in your lips" he wiped it with a tissue

"Stop now older brother,older sister" Senju said placing her hand on the table

"Older brother sister?!" I shouted

"Yeah I'm Senju's older sister" Y/n said

"Sorry for bothering the two of you" Takeomi said

"No, it's ok you can join us" Y/n said and we sat down with them

Y/n's POV

We're on our way home

"Wait I'll just buy something" Senju said dragging Takemichi with him

A group of people surrounded us, one of them is holding a gun, I recognize their uniform as Rokuhara Tandai...Takeomi and Sanzu attacked them

The guy pointed the gun at me and pulled the trigger Sanzu dodged it

"Sanzu, Hey dude wake up"

I raised his and it just dropped

"Sanzu" tears falling from my cheeks

The guy did it again and Takeomi dodged it

"Takeomi" I yelled

"Damn you" they said and leave

"Omi" I said placing his hand on my cheeks

"Y/n, Shinichiro is calling me" his hand dropped on the ground

"Fudge" I yelled and Takemichi and Senju arrived

3rd person's POV

"Take them to the hospital" Y/n said

"Y/n where are you going?" Takemichi asked

"He has to pay for this" Y/n leave and go to their shared house

"It's late Y-" Kokonoi opened the door

"My Katana and Gun"

Kokonoi gave it to Y/n

"What are you going to do with that?!"

Y/n ride her bike and go to Rokuhara Tandai HQ

"Hey Kid wha-" Y/n shot them dead one by one until she reached South

"Terano South, Is that how you welcome me?" Y/n stared coldly in his eyes


"You killed my brothers" Y/n yelled and throws the gun to South

"Fortissimo" South uppercuts Y/n

"Hehe" Y/n laughed and points her Katana to South

*Meanwhile Takemichi and Senju*

"I can take care of my brothers, Go to Y/n before she can kill anyone again" Senju said to Takemichi

Kill someone again? Who's the other one?

"Okay" Takemichi said and rushed to Rokuhara Tandai HQ to stop Y/n

*Back to Y/n*

"What are you laughing about?" South yelled at Y/n

"That face it's funny, Desperate to kill me? How weak" Y/n's laughter filled up the room

"Are you insane?!" South said grinning widely and punched Y/n once again

"No, You are" Y/n pointed the blade on his chest

"After your brothers Draken, Senju and Takemichi is next" South said expecting Y/n it cry and breakdown

"Do I look like I care?" Y/n smiled once again

"You devil" South said drops on his knees

Y/n slowly trace a line on South's chest and rejoice watching the blood dripping on the floor

"Not bad" South said and throw a punch aiming at Y/n's stomach

"Y/n" Takemichi yelled


"Please don't do this, the Y/n I know won't kill anyone" Takemichi said


"Sanzu and Takeomi survived, Senju is on the hospital with Wakasa, Draken and the others"

"That's the point you left them alone" Y/n gave South a powerful punch before rushing to the hospital, they left him unconscious

As soon as Y/n entered the room she stabbed the two guys behind Wakasa and Draken

"Sis w-" Senju yelled but Wakasa covered her mouth

"Wh-" Draken said

"Shh" Wakasa said

"Don't tell me you'll ignore the fact she killed someone" Senju said

"Found it" Y/n said, she tossed a gun to Wakasa "Those two are South's dog" Y/n grinned

"I know what you did was heroic but this is the hospital w-" Takemichi did finished his sentence because Y/n is already asleep

"She must be tired from dealing with those guys" Wakasa carried Y/n to the extra bed

"Takemichi What happened to Rokuhara Tandai?" Draken asked

"Not good" Takemichi said

"Looking on Y/n's actions she definitely consume a drug" Senju said

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