∗ golden boy and the three whores

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Golden Boy and the Three Whores

A modern retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a lonely night, a golden boy wandered into a den of vixens. He wore socks with his sandals, and he reeked of booze, cheap cologne, and bad decisions. He had only one goal in mind: to take, and take, and take. 

Up on a stage were three beautiful vixens crawling and mewling all about. He went up to the first with a cheeky grin and threw money at her feet. As she got closer, he saw the stretchmarks and rolls peeking through her dress. 

"This one's too big." 

The golden boy moved on to the next vixen without ever even remembering the last. She beckoned him with a bony finger and a toothy smile. He hesitated reaching for his wallet when he saw her ribcage beneath her bodice. 

"This one's too thin." 

The third vixen appeared before the golden boy, with curves that could kill. She danced with beauty and grace. Saliva dripped from the golden boy's mouth, money flying from his hands as the music vibrated through the speakers. 

"This one's just right." 

The third vixen flashed him a wicked grin and pushed the golden boy to the ground. The other two vixens joined her, swarming him like a pride of lionesses. With her stiletto on his chest, the third vixen wagged a finger in his face. 

"Silly golden boy," she said, "no more happy endings for you".

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