Chapter 8

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I wanted to. I hadn't been surer of anything in my entire life.

I didn't quite understand what had happened or how we had ended up in that situation. Was he jealous? No. There was no possession in his actions, there was respect, care, and... love? Why did I feel there was love? And why did I feel that it was reciprocal? Why did it make me so happy to think that all he was doing was making sure he proved to me that what Hans had said wasn't true and that he loved me, that there was someone who really loved me? Why did it suddenly not matter to me if someone else loved me or not if I could count on his love?

It had to be him. I knew it in that dream, I knew it when I woke up, and I knew it as soon as I met him in reality.

What was it all about? Fate? Magic? A miracle? Whatever it was, I wasn't going to let it go.

His eyes, bathed in passion and embarrassment, fell back on mine. I swam in them for a few more seconds. In that comfortable brown streaked with amber like a soft spring day crossed by the warm beams of light from the king of the sky.

I threw myself into his arms. I drank from the warmth of his lips and gave myself to the touch of the rough skin of his hands on my neck and my waist. I knew that feeling; I couldn't have forgotten it.

In a matter of seconds, there was not a garment left on our bodies and the springs of his bed squeaked so much that it was almost louder than my own moans. Almost... I had been waiting for that man all my life; I wasn't going to let the clientele of a family restaurant stop me from enjoying him to the fullest.

There was play between us, laughter, caresses, discoveries, and a lot, a lot, of pleasure. I could feel how he melted between my legs, how he was lost between my breasts, and how he held me firmly with each thrust. I shuddered in his arms, unable to stop myself as his deep, muffled voice penetrated me to the core. I tightly hugged that man who made me happy with each look and with each touch and together we reached a place so high that I had not managed to reach even in my dreams.

"Good to know that the sheets are clean," I said, still feeling his weight on me, to break the ice as we both caught our breath.

Kristoff laughed over my body and I could feel his vibration and his energy. I could feel how he calmed down little by little and how he inhaled deep into my neck and my hair. Then he rose himself on his elbow and gave me the most beautiful of smiles.

I wanted to ask what it was all about. I wanted to know if what had just happened made us something; if he wanted to be something with me. I wanted him to tell me that he would always be by my side.



Suddenly he threw himself on his back beside me in the little room left in the bed with a terrible expression of pain.

"Kristoff?! What...? Are you okay?! What is it?! Did I hurt you?!"

"Shouldn't that be my line?" he said laughing between growls. "The shoulder. It's just the shoulder."

"Your shoulder!"

I'd completely forgotten.

"Maybe I haven't taken all the rest that I should today..."

He made an apologetic face as if he felt bad for not having followed my instructions and it was my turn to laugh.

"It's okay," I said making room for him to lie down properly. "I think I can do something about it."

"No, no way. You're not going to work on me right now. I'll rest it as long as I can and wait for tomorrow's appointment."

"You have an appointment for tomorrow?"

"Uh-huh..." he said slowly relaxing his expression as his back was releasing tension.

"With me?"

"Of course with you."

"Thank you."

"Although... is it appropriate that I go now we have...? I mean, isn't there some kind of policy about it?"

"No problem. It's not like we're going to continue with this on the stretcher, you know?"

"What a pity..."

I gave him a little flick on his healthy arm and got out of bed. Kristoff's gaze followed me with an expectant look and perhaps a little worried about what I was going to do, but without losing the opportunity to analyze every detail of my body as if making sure to keep it forever in his memory. I couldn't help feeling a sudden heat fire my cheeks and, from his satisfied smile, I assumed that he hadn't gone unnoticed.

"My... guts are rumbling. Do you think dinner is still waiting for us?"

"They may have picked it up, but we'll find something anyway," he said sitting up slowly.

"You're not going to get your rest?"

"I'm hungry too."

I was sure he was more concerned about Hans being still there than how hungry he might be, but I liked the idea of finally sharing dinner with him, so I nodded and giggled pleased.

With some effort on his part and pity for mine, we managed to put the shirt back on him and cover that great body that was driving me crazy and in which I had just taken delight with all my might. In a short while, and after making the bed again as if trying to hide the evidence of the crime, we both cautiously left his room without really knowing what kind of reception we were going to find in the restaurant. But we didn't have much time to wonder, because as soon as we stepped onto the first step of the stairs, Bulda appeared at the other end of it with a discreet and endearing smile. I pursed my lips and lowered my head. I could see how Kristoff stood a little higher than normal. He seemed to form to his general as prepared to be accountable to her. But Bulda passed him without losing her smile and she only slowed down when she caught up with me. She gently put her hand on my shoulder and then she continued up the stairs. Only when she was about to disappear up the hall, could I hear her voice.

"Welcome to the family, dear."

 Yup, I had screamed too much.

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